A Classic, Remastered for Modern Systems!
The X-Change series follows Takuya Aihara, an average student just struggling to get by. But when an accident in the chemistry lab has unforeseen, gender-bending consequences, Takuya finds his life turned upside down. Can he get his body back while surviving the unexpected twists and turns that accompany his new feminine form?
This remastered collection includes the original three games from the X-Change trilogy upscaled HD graphics, high quality music, and full compatibility with modern systems, including Mac and Linux. Plus, it includes new content from X-Change R, an updated remake of the original title with a new route, new characters, and voice acting!
- genderbent sex
- high sexual content
- nukige
- unavoidable rape
- cowgirl
- cunnilingus
- doggy style
- lesbian sex
- missionary position
- sex in a classroom
- unavoidable protagonist rape
- chikan
- group sex of multiple females and males
- seventh posture
- sex in a vehicle
- sex change
- female protagonist
- airhead protagonist
- black comedy
- extremely (un)lucky protagonist
- heroine with beauty mark
- heroine with glasses
- high school
- high school student heroine
- high school student protagonist
- modern tsundere heroine
- perverted heroine
- protagonists childhood friend as a heroine
- protagonists senpai as a heroine
- protagonists sister as a support character
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