Help the pious, pure and perversely endowed Sister Blanc, possessed by a succubus, sell her services in town at night to repay her debt!
Sister Blanc has a problem. The facility she's in charge of runs in the red, and she's amassed a massive debt!
The Succubus she unleashed by chance, Kuro, offers her a way to get through her troubles! Blanc must head into town at night and sell her body!
Watch her start with bars and move her way up to brothels as she awakens to everything her obscene body is capable of, and more! What will become of Blanc...?
And how will her relationship with Kuro flourish...?
Her pious, devoted life changes with each passing day...
An orthodox exploration RPG!
Events trigger as you walk around town or work at night, as well as when your debt and your Lewdness increase.
Some events change in stages depending on your Lewdness.
Get your Lewdness high enough and expose yourself in town, or sell your services on the streets!
Blanc has numerous Erotic Statuses that track all she's done in event scenes.
Dungeons also await you outside town. Progressing through them nets you new events, helpful items,
and sex scenes if you fall in battle against monsters! (Win battles and you'll be able to see these in the gallery).
And don't worry, the game won't end if you do fall in battle!
Apart from that, you can walk into numerous events in town, and optional H scenes await you!
As the deadline comes, three different types of endings await you depending on your cash at hand and the events you've triggered. Start all over if you want!
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