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Translation programs

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Recently i have been doing lots of studying on possible programs to translate VN's that we all want to see in English and although there are several i have narrowed down my search to two programs ITH and AGTH which are both basically the same as in they text hookers. They take the scrolling scripts and translates them in real time thus giving you a semi accurate translation i say semi accurate because there are minor glitches and things in which you need to do to make it work properly. Personally i have been using AGTH and have found it works rather well actually to make sure it was right i have been playing Summer Days (of the Days series) and i cross checked the translations with an online video guide i found online i would say about 80% accurate translation after i spent around 3 hours setting it all up and putting in filters for the name's used in the VN.


So if anyone else has used any programs like this i would love to hear opinions on them.


If anyone wants to try these programs out here are the links and instructions on how to install them properly to games.


ITH- Interactive Text Hooker - new text extraction tool




Sorry if i did anything messy first real post here i do plan on following up on this with details on my findings as i apply these programs to other games. So any questions are welcome and any advice is also much appreciated. If there is a post already like this i am also sorry i didn't see anything up when i looked.

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