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Having issues with Atelier Kaguya's games

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I've played my fair share of VNs and have thus far never really encountered many problems (occasionally I experience some common problem which google solves within a minute), but I have now tried to seperate Atelier Kaguya games and both have failed to work albeit for different reasons. The games I've tried so far and their issues are as follows;


My system

Other than it's a Windows 7 64-bit operating system, everything else is set up fine for playing VNs (locale, etc.) and I usually do not have any problems what so ever.


Baku Ane

It install, it starts up, it plays music and then I mouse over any of the menu buttons and it crashes.

I can get into the options menu, but no changes fix it and the sound tab under options crashes the game.

I personally think it's trying to play a sound, but can not find it. Uninstalling and re-installing did not resolve this issue.

This was installed from a legally purchased disc, so I didn't download it again as I didn't download it in the first place.


Shabura ♥ Rental

I downloaded this one despite being somewhat wary about whether or not it would work after my run in with Baku Ane.

This one failed to start what so ever, when I tried compatibility mode it at least had the good grace to present me with an error reading "Could not load system data" in Japanese.


Once again re-installing and even performing a manual install didn't help it to load system data.

Admittedly I gave up on this one rather quickly.


After that I decided that Atelier Kaguya games dislike my computer, but the thing is no one seems to be complaining about them and the issues don't have a clear common cause to me. Surely I'm not the only westerner to try to play one of their games, which leaves me to assume others play their games without issue. In fact what I did find when looking for solutions to my problems suggested that people who had played their games thought rather well of them.

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