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Magnificent//Omniversal Love VN Project - Development

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-With Helvetica's blessing I've decided to post this here.

-Concept art may not be final design of characters.

-Character classes and ranks will be added later.




~Keep calm and love on, fly me to the music. I dreamed about a world of fantasy, a world I could escape to. A world becoming real.~



Psychological, Drama, Romance, Action-Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Superhero




Welcome to the Alexis University. You have been chosen to join our ranks unlike many others because of the unique and special gifts you possess. Here you will sharpen these talents and use them to reach greater heights. You will learn, meet friends, and excel at the highest level of achievement-If you survive first that is...




After moving back to New York, Marcus Maduka's life is changed forever as he is saved from certain death by a childhood friend, a mysterious girl that had given him special abilities. Soon he's enrolled in new school...A school that leads to another realm in the middle of Omniversal space.There they are reunited and she once again promises him extraordinary power beyond his wildest dreams, but it comes with a cost...



Basically it's your average superhero story on a bigger scale with a couple twists. Throughout the story you will travel to many worlds and even different universes, however the main setting of the school is in a heaven realm known as Valteria. Here exists the Deities called the creators, better known as Valterians -They were created by the Elder Deities and given the power to create worlds. They gave birth hybrids and mutants(Beings with Valterian blood or ancestors) The school in the story was made for these descendents. There are also various alien races in the across the Omniverse that co-exist on Valteria as well.



There is a lot more to it but that will give you a good picture.






Marcus Chime Maduka (Magnificent)



Our lovable protagonist.

He's quiet, but becomes rather talkative once you get to know him. He can be sarcastic and pretty cynical, he wants to know his purpose in life. He is given the power to become one of his heroes.



Arabella Alexis (Galaxia)



Omega class Mutant-Valterian hybrid that has the power to bend reality to her will. Arabella is outwardly cold and apathetic due to her isolation, but can be very caring an nurturing. Very passionate.



Arden Saphira Sapere Dragonborne (Life Dragon)



Valterian Dragon Deity-She is the King of Valteria. Arden is courageous and determined but can be a little vain. Very unwilling to show emotions.



Robyn Khalil (Pace)



Mutant Girl that was interested in Marcus at first sight. She's a bit of a tomboy, but calm and easygoing, she rolls with the punches but is quick to point out things she has an issue with.




Devin Kallendrake (BloodReaper)



Valterian Vampire Deity that is that is part of a Valterian secret society. She is an ancestor to shinso family of vampires. She acts very whimsical and carefree, but is actually very smart, analytical, and has a serious side.



Evelyn Kallendrake (Mischief)



Valterian Vampire Deity also part of the secret society, She's the twin sister of Devin but didn't grow as much(loli ;)) most of the time she is very extroverted, outgoing, and upbeat. However she has no problem instigating problems and deep down is very sadistic.



Yoko Minami (Leviathan)



Yoko is a mix between two alien races called the Tainted and the Vivians. She is the leader of the student council and works with Arden. Yoko is quiet (when not dealing with Arden) and cold. Somewhat socially awkward when it comes to dealing with people. Struggles with her compulsions to kill.




Yvonne Alexis (Heaven's Riches)

Benjamin "Ben" Lucas (Nephila)

Jamie Foster (Rockhead)

Killian Williams (Burner)

Ruko Savannah






Magnificent Love (Arabella)

Enter The Kingdom (Arden)

Age of Cypher (Robyn)

Escape Fornever(Devin & Evelyn)

Sinners Eden (Yoko)




Outline: 100%

Script: --

Concept Art:--


Backgrounds: --

CGs: --


Coding: --










Natural Freedom:


KinKrow: Editor

TJ: Idea Bouncer

Qdr: Support

Accha & Aviala: Character Design

Badriel: Logo




Features I Would Like:


Stat Sheet


Voice Acting


Does the premise interest you?

Which character interests you most?

What questions do you have about the novel?

Edited by Fluxx
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Character classes and ranks. I may remove some of this later.

Would you guys perfer a script demo or one with artwork?


Character Classes


-Blaster/Ranger (Lasers-energy/Vapor blasts or projectiles, far combat)

-Powerhouse(Tank, power, speed and endurance)

-Tactician(Battle Intelligence)

-Infiltrator (Stealth)

-Warrior (Well-rounded fighter)

-Mentalist (Psychic or Mentally Intelligent)

-Rouge(Speedsters or stealthy warriors/scrappers)

-Mage(External Vapor to control elements)

-Elemental(Internal Vapor to control elements)

-Gadgeteer(Building technology for battle)



Ranks & Stats

From strongest to weakest


*EX = Unquantifiable

*SS = 200

*S = 150

*A = 100

*B = 90

*C = 80

*D = 70

*E = 60

*F = 50/0


Parameter Rules:

-9 Main ranks, 6 normal, 3 special.

-EX rank is unquantifiable and in a league of its own, powerful to the extent of rendering comparisons meaningless.

-2 different modifiers that can be applied to ranks, + and -

-For every plus there is a 10 point increase.

+(10), ++(20), +++(30), ++++(40)

- minus modifier indicates a rank which has a number that is not reliably

stable, technically qualifying for that rank, but not quite reaching the rank in terms of

power or ability and possibly being even closer to the next rank down

-Parameter can have up to four plus modifiers, can only have one minus modifier.


Stats: Each has a parameter.

-Attack (How much regular attack power one has)

-Agility (Quickness and speed of one's reaction or reflexes)

-Endurance (Stamina, how long one can maintain exertion)

-Vapor/Ki/Spirit (How much Internal Vapor one holds)

-Magic Affinity/Potential (How much External Vapor one can absorb or manipulate)

-Luck (Quality of one's luck)

-Defense (How much damage or punishment one can take)

-Wisdom( How wise and intelligent one is)


Overall Rank- Character rank decided by overall abilities and parameters. (Can be EX to F)

-Average humans would be F rank

Class Skills- Skills delegated to each class, everyone of a certain class usually has these skills.(1-2 only)

Personal Skills- Skills delegated to one particular person.

Ultimate Technique - A character's strongest skill. A personal skill that is rank S or above automatically gets this title.

Alignments: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral Lawful,Evil Neutral Evil,Chaotic Evil


Average Parameters: Parameters of certain classes based off averages noted by Academy. Characters may have higher or lower stats depending on their personal situation and experiences.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally finished a quick little demo showing a little about the story. It took awhile since it's my first time messing around with ren'py. It can be downloaded from link below. This is not a final representation of the novel. Since I lack an artist I'm using cc sprites, unowned backgrounds and music. I've read through the novel myself however I don't have an editor either so please bear with me if you see errors. If there are any errors or issues let me know.











Zip File


Launch File



Feedback is welcome.




Screen resolution 1366 X 768

No CG's


No Choices Currently


Long pauses for some songs between looping (The songs are pretty short)

Fast Pacing (Very noticeable as I now look through it.)

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