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The Nexus Project: A Thrilling OELVN Currently in Development is now Recruiting

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Hello everyone!


I checked in with you just a little while as a writer looking for projects to work on. Somehow I stumbled my way into an accomplished programmer and designer named Helvetica Standard who is currently working on the famed OELVN Violet Hill. We got to talking and came up with an idea for a visual novel. A project of sorts. One we believe has a lot of potential.


The Nexus Project tells the story of Keiji Nakamura, a childhood prodigy. He learns at an extremely fast rate and his prowess with technology is second to none. But you wouldn’t know that by just looking at him. All he does is sit around on his computer all day, doing nothing. His parents, thinking that he's wasting his potential, transfer him to a prestigious boarding school. Thinking he's finally got some peace and quiet after a stressful move, a cyber terrorist cell codenamed 'The Nexus' begins to attack the people of Japan. Keiji, being one of the only people in the world who knows how to stop them, has to make a choice to either sit there and possibly let his world plunge into darkness or take a stand against this threat and realize his destiny.


So far we have two people on the project that will be sticking with it the whole way through.


Sammeh: The one and only. I will be the project leader and the head writer for the VN. I am more than willing to hear all ideas when it comes to story as I wish this to be a collaborative project. I have been writing for eleven years and have received numerous awards and have been approached by different publications during that time.


Helvetica Standard: The master programmer. He designed the logos for this game and studio that you see in this thread and he will be doing the entirety of the design. He’s currently heading up an OELVN project of his own called Violet Hill and has a lot of experience in the field, having been programming for two years and has been designing the entirety of his working life.



Thriller, mystery, and romance. It takes place mainly in a highschool in the present day.


Why did we start this project?:

Honestly, I just love visual novels, so I put out a casting call and Helv was the first person to answer seriously. After that I found he was very serious about the project and obviously so am I so we clicked immediately as a team. We want to contribute to the industry as another OELVN that makes its mark.


Is it free?:

It’s free. While its overall length and the work put into it might indicate otherwise, we will be releasing the project as free.


Length/Scope of the Project:

The project will be a massive undertaking for this team. We are aiming for a story that will be 35+ hours in length with five routes and a couple bonus routes. The writing for the story is not even close to being final or finished, but this is the plan thus far.


What We’re Looking For:

Anything, honestly. However, particularly, the one thing we need most of all is an artist. Unfortunately, until we actually have an artist on the project with a decent amount of skill and can make the commitment of working on a VN we can’t really move forward with development. This means any CG/BG artist is welcome. This is a top priority at the moment, to find an artist. What we also need is a composer for the project, Q.C., and editors.


Contact Information:

The easiest way to reach us is through the following outlets.


Email: [email protected]

Skype: Weskron

Fuwanovel: Sammeh or Helvetica Standard

LemmaSoft: Sammeh


So in essence we are in dire need of an artist, BG or CG, and we can use anything else at the moment right now. Please contact us if you wish to know more.

Edited by Sammeh
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