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Recomend a Eroge (nukige?) for Someone New

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TL:DR really enjoy lilith art style and non vanilla sex, please recommend me something - read below to see what I've already played (im a new to this)


Like the title states, i've been downloading nukiges on and off for a bit. What makes it so hard to keep playing is finding english translated ones that I actually enjoy. I've only really had experience with stuff from Lilith such as:


Rinkan Club

the Taimin Assagi series

Prison Battleship (1&2)

The Falling of Someone Else's Wife (Ochiru Hitodzuma - no english patch)


As well as some other ones:


Gibo stepmother's sin

Hypno Training

Discipline (never again)

Bible Black


There's probably a few that I forgot to include that I played a while back.


I need to state that I REALLY enjoy lilith games, the art style for the characters is perfect as well as the non-vanilla sex. The problem is I think theres only like 5 Lilith games that have ever been translated.


If I had to order them from favourite to least based on aesthetics and plot it would be Rinkan Club (really enjoyed this one), Prison Battleship, Taimin Assagi (dont really like this plot) .


Just browsing the lilith site heres a few that caught my interest (none of which i think has an english translation - but im just using it for reference to the kind of style/art I like)






So knowing what I like, could you guys recommend me something? I could provide more information if needed, just ask :)


Thanks in advance!


Also side note, I'm not informed with the English translation issues. But seen a lot of restrictions (DCMA?) regarding to the eroges itself, where companies are closed etc etc. could someone explain? I'd figure there would be a larger base of translated eroges but it seems like the selection is really small. And i dont understand what sort of restrictions are in placed, but I see a lot of people talking about it and have no clue.

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