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Posts posted by Syn

  1. Hello everyone, I joined this forum a few days ago when I was looking for a certain game and added a thread to the Erogue requests.

    I didn't notice that this thread existed, otherwise I'd have made a post sooner.


    I've never really been part of any Eroge site nor went to any in particular, simply when I wanted to check one out I'd google it and eventually find it in random places. However, nowadays that has become harder, so I finally made a better search and came along this website. I hope to get along with everyone here.


    I haven't actually played that made Eroges, at least not compared to many people here, but I did play a few and I plan to play more as time goes. I don't really have a favorite one, I rarely pick favorites for anything as I believe that the things you like depend heavily on your mood and disposition, and different eroges are good for different reasons, they're all different and I don't think it's fair to put a few above the others, when each one of them is good at something different.


    So... Besides Eroge and this forum, I spend most of my time watching YouTube, anime and playing games. I used to play a lot of MMOs but I'm currently without any to play, the only game I frequently play online nowadays is hearthstone. I finished a programming college course an year ago or so and I've been messing around with Unity alone, learning stuff here and there, but I'm currently unemployed, simply enjoying the unemployed life for now until I find a job.


    And... That's it I believe... I don't really know what else to say other than that, if you want to ask me anything I'll be checking the forums regularly. I might not post that much but I will when I think my opinion matters.


    Thanks for reading in advance~

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