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Download Comments posted by 5TON3KILL3R

  1. So, can anyone tell me why I get the error: "Please insert the correct CD-ROM, select OK and restart application" error when I try to run this game after mounting it with Deamon Tools? I tried doing the same process with the sequel to this game. That works and does allow me to start the installer, however this doesn't. I run Windows 7. The only differences in the two game folders are that DYLHB2 has a NoCD crack folder, a MDF and a MDS file, while DYLHB has a CCD file and a Disk Image File. I admit, those look like two very different file types for the different games, but I bet someone has gotten this to work and had the same problem. If so, please let me know! Thanks




    So after (No Kidding) hours of searching for a solution to why the installer wasn't working. (Please Insert Disk in to CD-ROM/Cannot Locate CD-ROM) I figured it out. Some of the older games for some reason look to be placed in to the (D:) drive. Stupid really but what ever. Anyway even though I did that is still wasn't working which was stupid because I had played and installed this game before. Then I remembered that I used an older version of Daemon tools. So I tried it and guess what. It FUCKEN WORKED!! Quickmount doesn't work for this game. You have to use the older version of Daemon tools, the one the creates and actual virtual drive like it if it was there not Quickmount.Daemon tools Lite 4.48 should work because is the one I used but yeah. Good luck!

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