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Posts posted by CaptainGakken

  1. If you have been watching anime recently, a new, hot and sexy anime of a monk and a girl in a relationship should have been on your watch-list.

    Now, according to rumors, there are 3 versions of it, first being the normal, where every single H element was cut off, second, they show the tittes and bodies, finally, the vanila tribute to the manga version.

    Here is the question, where to watch the final version? Anime name: Souryo to Majiwaru Shikiyoku no Yoru ni...


  2. Second Release is here!

    Screenshot (64).png

    From the title, this sounds like a miracle. But as the bracket also indicates, the game itself is subbed by China's gamers. Voice is Japanese but the words, control etc are All in Chinese. So be prepared for when playing the game. Walkthrough is the same, full Chinese so yea, this game is basically no Chinese no game. But anyway, here's the link to the OP site and I will explain each step carefully.

    Link: ?????

    For the OP site to work you will have to log in and thus, creating an account. It's also in Chinese so here's the download link, just press download and the next option confirm. It's still faster than MEGA.

    Part 1: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-lAELNUBchTNHVpTEZNUFV0YTQ/edit

    Part 2: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-lAELNUBchTZE1HRWEwalpkZWc/edit

    Part 3: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-lAELNUBchTcVVPVHhZNGUxNFE/edit

    Part 4: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-lAELNUBchTS2sxZ1I4elNvTm8/edit

    Part 5: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-lAELNUBchTemNreG9XX0h2dDA/edit

    Part 6: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-lAELNUBchTTXEzOWhOcUEybHc/edit

    WARNING=> Region Lock wise it's playable on United States and Japan, some of the OP's comments indicates Taiwan as unplayable so, just play stock and see whether it works or not, I will edit this post and add in the compatible zones based from comments.

    Link to the helping image: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C42F76IUMAA0UGG.jpg:large

    Password for extraction: Smile紅紅@分享於伊莉 (Copy this line of words)

    Walkthrough: http://www.200910.cn/article/catalog2/1352.html (Chinese again, sigh)

    App you will use for playeing: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C42H9kAUYAEv8sU.jpg:large

    Now, this game is Chinese Subbed yes, but the artstyle is out of this world. Character design is edgy and sexy, voice actor came close to Majikoi and plot is, like the absolute dream? (Ha Ha). Anyway, here's a SS from the game itself, censored ofc.

    Screenshot (67).jpg


    NEW NOTE:ozggrzdxuzzysa4z8ng8.gif

    As of 2017/03, this game uses some settings that Windows 10 have been barely providing. As of March, the game will not work after some days being installed due to unknown reasons. So please, do play this game one-shot type, and copy the save files out before another fresh install, it also includes the progress of "Extras" so don't worry about fapping to that later.

  3. your intentions are noted, yeah.. true... one of the 1st vn's i've tried is koichoko...

    its either my 1st or 2nd vn...nice pic and signature btw..


    and also, welcome to the club, we people sharing the same hobby should band together in this site

    feel free to drop by on shoutbox or make a post on general thread for random vn discussion


    nah man, I am searching for more sources of un-released VN for people to enjoy. Princess Lover is very trouble-some and you have to be able to read Chinese in order to install it properly and play it (Its Chinese Subbed). I am not a hardcore due to my countries restrictions on this sort of stuff, sigh.

  4. So, you are sharing a Japanese version of this visual novel, right? No English version yet, corrct? :)


    Yes, this is the best I can find and translating it's chinese instructions to english. Even though the menu looks promising like full english interface, the moment you press play it brings you back to the harsh reality.

    I might be able to find translators but, will be hard, very hard since this is an eroge.

  5. Hi ErogeGames Forum,


    Ao No Katana has always been on my eroge hunt list since I've had the knowledge of the existence of Eroge, so when I have obtained info on getting the game for free, I surge my way and went through the shitty steps posted on the OP site: ?????

    Sorry if you can't understand Chinese but I do, so this is the steps I have made for easier viewing.

    Link to image: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C4xnr35UEAEm03z.jpg:large

    Password for extraction is => b41p3m3@eyny

    Small Notes:

    Please set your computer's region to Japan, like many other eroges it's essential.

    Link to download the files : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzisQlRIDZ6OSjIxNDRuT3MwOW8 CURRENTLY DOWN

    on the OP site it took me 12hours due to shitty MEGA download speed and restrictions, better thank me for that.


    Anyways, have fun fapping! Walkthrough: Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm Walkthrough – KamiTranslation

    Attachment File is bugged so don't use that:(


    If somehow the links broke or doesn't work message me and I will provide the alternative route link.


    NEW NOTE:9c7f5788bf3b52454a770bc3452d12dd136f1e2fd5f58314c17b33126c2671d0.jpg

    As of my current time; 2017/03/08, the google drive base for the files will be temporary removed and swapped to MEGA for downloading the .ZIP files. I am very, very sorry for the problems caused but my Google Drive's space must be spared for my work till April, so, till then, its MEGA waiting time.

    Link to MEGA Download: https://mega.nz/#F!rUE23IoQ!rAyg4vY6l8-2Ryv66liJNw

    Steps to install Ao No Kanata.jpg

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