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About iDen

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    Junior Member
  • Birthday 07/26/1989
  1. Thank you for this suggestion! I've been busy with studying, and getting ready for this interview. But I will most certainly check this out when I get the time. I think I need my eroge fill soon
  2. Yata! The provider of eroge reveals secrets once more, for but a humble servant of the fox god. I'll check these out for sure! I think I'll start with the top one, the girls in it looked interesting.
  3. I enjoyed School days HQ for a bit. It was extreme in some ways haha. I also looked on YouTube and watched the murder scenes HAHA! Now I'm going to start a new eroge... Probably gonna try that "slice of life" one. After dealing with the extreme drama of the previous one, I'm ready for something a bit more forgiving >^_^
  4. Well...This eroge has been quite the journey.... First I was pleasantly surprised to see it in the format of an anime, and less of a picture format. I became addicted to it on spot. However... installing it was a whole other matter haha. It would get stuck at 91% installing, come to find out this was a typical issue. SO.. I had to install what I could, then copy files into the installation directory to finish it. Then I applied a patch to try and update the strings for the registry. It somehow worked finally. Now..back to the game . I chose to ignore the girl I wanted at first; the one
  5. O.O ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Just when I thought my day couldn't get any better! Thank you for this recommendation! I have it downloading as I type this. I really enjoyed the "Imouto Paradise" However, I felt it lacked any kind of real story, or development. having that said I still enjoyed it to the fullest! (haha) Thankfully I have a super fast internet. So this file size is tiny XD. Downloading a game of 50+gbs', now that's something that even takes me a few hours. I'll report back with what I thought of the game once I've played it a bit. Super excited! >^_^
  6. arigatou gozaimashita! I cant wait to check these out! (ruffles to get up from chair, trips on pants) Ah! ha....(scratches head) Guess i need to turn this one off lol.... Goodnight Napoleon-san!
  7. Welcome to Erogegames! As a fellow sis-con I extend my warm regards and wish you luck on finding what it is you seek!

  8. Thank you for your recommendation! I'll look into this right now .
  9. Hello my fellow Otaku's! I've just recently started investing time into researching these games. I played a demo of a game that was pretty linear called "failed quest" or something. Even for what it was having no choice, and static pictures at all times. I was able to enjoy it. having this said I am looking for a recent oroge with animated scenes, and a good amount of choice being often presented(I like choice). I like to feel as though my choices are making a difference. I can't read Japanese yet! But I am going to be purchasing some text books to get started. In the mean time I need Engl
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