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Posts posted by Hecrapan

  1. Exactly! The heroines are cute and cute is justice!

    On a serious note, the story is indeed very interesting but definitely not awesome. Visual Novels made by lump of sugar are more focused on cute heroines and the overall atmosphere than on amazing plot twists etc, that's at least what I heard.





    Well i am young, but im not a girl still i think have the right to dream too.

  2. sounds interesting...i'll let one of my "contacts" know

    she is interested in that type of shit, she is a hentai TL ...and a fujoshi...ill let you know:cool:


    The story seems interesting. And the heroines are cute. Please keep me updated.

    Holy shit with this post im no longer a junior member

  3. I see. Well, might as well wait until the partial gets out. That way you can give him the partial + the VN. Or are you guys still going to hold off on public partial releases (meaning we'd have to message you for the patch) until it's all finished?


    The only patch we are going to make public is the final patch.

  4. Hmmm now that i think about it. Hey desi, OneManrArmy, Ryu, MO JO (all the senior posters in this thread). Is ther a way to contact Ivan? I have HNS already up on mediafire (currently private links), however the game is reaaaaaaaaaaalllllyyyyyyyy hard to find on the net. So i was wondering i he could add HNS to the partially translated downloads.

  5. W


    Edit : Eh? The original game's translation isn't even finished but they're already working on the fandisc?

    Yes, however we are using a separate set of TL's and PR's. Rest assured YNS is still our main priority, however we had an excess of translators so xilexio and I decided to start on HNS whit those guys.

  6. Switch has nothing to do with the project except successfully trolling you that he's part of it.


    Well, i can confirm that switch has nothing to do with the TRJR project. However we are looking for translators so if he wants to stop "pretending" to be translating HNS and he actually wants to start working on HNS he is welcome to join. That is if he is able to pass the test xilexio has made for the new TL applicants.

  7. My last post makes me wonder how many people wait till a game is fully translated to play, or do you just jump in as soon as a route is done, then patiently wait for the next route.


    Well based on the numbers of Sora patches we have sent i'd say that at least half the people play a route and patiently wait for the next route.

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