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Posts posted by tivrkoker

  1. Hello, sorry for late reply have some business up so can't have a lot of free time. To> Dio Brando - thanks for the game... very much indeed... To> Napoleon - Yeah sometimes i'm using hooker and most of the time english translated games and last one's are few out of many. My native Ukrainian and Russian languages. I've tried to learn Japanese but it's hard for myself to learn READ AND WRITE PART. By voice I can now have some simple communication. If someone can please suggest some good website to learn Japanese...


    Does someone know if there are continuation of the translation of Daiteikoku????


    P.S. learning Korean and Chineese for me impossible(too hard even by voice). Ich bin studieren Deutsche sprache fur Zwei jahre.... But i've returned to english - much easier... no intention to learn French - it breaks my tongue.....

  2. Hello People! I'm New here and it's my first post here... I live VN\EROGE very much and one of my most favorite games is: "Konboku Mahjong ~Konna Mahjong ga Attara Boku wa Ron!~" from AkabeiSoft2 I've played it few years ago, with no translation. And now I want to play it again but cant find any working link to download it. If any of you have it please can You upload this game somewhere and give me the link to download it. P.S. And if anyone translates it I'll be more than lucky... and happy...Arigatou gouzaimasu...

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