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Posts posted by Krazzend

  1. Well, as long as it isn't zero there is still hope. The thing is that I have no idea where I should start searching for those fans translators. I'm here since every now and then somebody posts the current status of works that are being translated and I thought that I might find the way to contact those fan translators here.

  2. I'd like to request this eroge that is kinda old and is really hard to find.


    And now you might be thinking "if this shit is hard to find how are we suppossed to find it". Well, I've recently add it to my collection after 3 years of exhaustive search on the internet. The only issue is that it is in Japanese and shamefuly I don't know Japanese.


    By this point you should already know that my request here is an english translation of this game. I've been wanting to play for so long that reading this VN is now one of life goals (yes, pretty lame).


    Right now I'm uploading it to my account in mega, but I'll give you the original links from which I downloaded. If you want the mega link instead, I'm afraid that you'll have to wait a couple of days after I finish with the upload since I have a free account.


    Thank you for reading my request and I appologize for my grammar if I made a mistake; I'm not a native english speaker.

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