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Posts posted by galvante016

  1. HOHO!!! well I know some of the members knows me already! XD

    but let me introduce myself once more!

    NAME: GALVANTE016(Just my alias don't know why but just popped in my mind)

    AGE: 19 yrs old


    PLACE OF BIRTH: Philippines


    Course: Computer Science

    HOBBIES: hmmm!!!! well I love watching ANIME and playing Visual Novel! >.


    well that's all folks. while the others are classified! >.

  2. So just wondering what's your fave Scene you have watched or played so far and please add a short description of that scene.. >.

    for Anime it would be great if it is a cut scene. and BEWARE for spoilers everyone! haha


    1st off!!!



    CLANNAD After Story episode 18

    this is the scene where Tomoya accept or rather notice Ushio as her daughter after nagisa passed away, even after playing this cutscene after watching CLANNAD for so many times, I can't shake this uneasy feeling. haha >.


    well ill be back for more!!! haha


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