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Posts posted by Twilight_Omega

  1. I'm not sure but if there's a opening movie file then just delete it. Oh and I personally had always rscript error when closing the game.


    Tried what you suggested, excpet I just moved it to another folder, but it didn't work... still got the error.


    And I still can't figure out anything myself.

  2. lolz...Ranma are meant for comedy..though manga is better

    Rosario Vampire is another ecchi comedy..dont expect anything better...

    zero no tsukaima = zero no louise,,,,,and you say she's annoying??? bet you didnt watch further than episode 7 of season 1 if you deemed it to be the worst anime list~


    Yeah it is primarly a comedy, and I was likeing it too, but Akane made a pest out of herself. But I might give the manga a shot though (manga usually is better in most cases).


    True enough with R+V and I really don't expect it to be much better, I actually looked into the later episodes befor completely dropping it, then placed my final judgment on it.


    zero no tsukaima = zero no louise, oh yeah I learned of that befor, but I forgotten about it. Also, no actually I watched it up to the last episode of season 1 (I admit that isn't much better), but I also forgot to add I was actually left with high hopes for the series at the end of seaon 1, but I heard Saito and Lousie's relationship resets, so that's when I dropped it. But I'm actually considering picking it back up since I still have some likeing for it, and gotten more tolerable of slap stick since I last watched it.

  3. I successfully installed the game and installed the patch. However after the opening plays, it comes up saying RScript stopped working, which is referring to the exe file of course.


    Been trying a few things, but nothing works. So any ideas? Or anyone knows how to solve this?

  4. Rosario + Vampire - Got up to around episode 6, then the protagonist and the over the top fan service got on my last nerves. The manga is MUCH MUCH better from what I heard, haven't read it yet though.


    Familiar of Zero - Got nothing against tsunederes, but Lousies annoyed the crap out of me, Saito was rather annoying at times too.


    Ranma 1/2 - Started off good, but Akane seemed to slowly get worse and worse.


    Yeah I'm not a big fan of overly violent tsunderes (Mio from MM!! being the only exception)

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