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Download Comments posted by Clouddy

  1. So I guess a sort of expansion pack?=p


    EDIT : By the way, doesn't jack's say in her diary that she's a woman?Something like "I hope he never finds out I'm a woman" or something of the sort.




    I thought that meant Jack was a woman too, but the next "diary" entry after that one Jack says that was a trans-scription from a drama he was watching, so that page was actually a scene from the drama he/she was watching. Like Strom said, there are entry's which hint to jack being either; Some make you start to think Jack's a girl, but then you get pages about "comparing girth" and whatnot with Yuuki, and some other ones.






    She does look a lot like Jack, but the girl in red has red eyes, which Jack has blue. The girl is also in Stryker gear, and even from just the regular cover, you can tell that with the exception of Yuuki as STRYKER ZERO, the girls "looks" are the same normal/stryker form. She's also listed under the new characters page on the link you posted.

  2. nice story..but there's insufficient route^^

    so here/...



    btw..did you see how big Jack's breast in this??? XD



    Are you talking about the girl in red? Cause that's not Jack, that's a new character.




    OVERDRIVE president (?) Bamboo has stated that Jack won't have a route because they want to keep Jack's true gender a secret. Chou will have 3 new routes, one with the new character (the woman in red). I'm PRETTY sure the other two routes will be Hilko and Rin, but I'm not 100% on that. It's already 100% though that none of the new routes will be Jack. OVERDRIVE wanted Jack to be an asexual sort of character, so that's why in most of the game, they make hints at Jack being either a boy or a girl.



  3. Green Green (visual novel) wasn't translated right? It's made by the same people, albeit by the predecessor company to Overdrive.



    I believe so, although Mangagamer has pretty much stated that they will not be touching Green Green anytime in the near future, if ever. It seems to be a pretty sore topic for them, so I assume there are some personal or major business problems with localizing Green Green. MG had a live chat with Bamboo the other night that I was in and someone brought up Green Green; MG's staff shot down the question/topic quickly.


    EDIT: I forgot to clarify that if you don't know, MG is ran by Bamboo, who is the owner/producer (I believe?) of OVERDRIVE. MG is kind of a pet-project of OD's.

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