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Everything posted by ThisPhoenix

  1. Kichikou Rance - 20.9% translated If you want to follow the translator he's here: http://arunarutranslatescrap.wordpress.com/ I am sure this time we will get a translation for this game! Anyway, Happy new year everyone!
  2. It's stalled for a while. Translation Hiatus « Amaterasu Blog -------------------------------------------------------------------- Other than that, I'm still waiting for Baldr sky, even if I'm currently learning Japanese. PLEASE FUTSUUU!!! MY BODY CAN'T TAKE IT!!!! Also, I'm waiting for the new Rance game, RanceIX: It looks so awesome!!!
  3. I know I'm being off topic here, but check this out. Baldr Sky.zip It seems an anonymous translator is translating Baldr Sky. /jp/ - Otaku Culture » Thread #10807649 These are his words from the readme: "Well, partially because Futsuu refuses to officially announce that he has dropped baldr sky and partially because I have nothing better to do, I'm going to release small partial patches every week until he drops it or makes progress. I am not doing any quality control other than making sure I don't fuck something up to make it crash while trying to show text and I'm not putting ver
  4. ...few weeks... It's been like 9 or 10 months without any progress! 3 I'm not really complaining, it's just that I'm really exited and can't wait. I hope the translator of Baldr Sky, Futsuu, was actually progressing on translation but didn't declare his progression. I'll just wait... As for the others that I'm waiting for: Alright! Please continue! Wow... That was... fast! So they jumped, again! It's been like FOREVER! Awesome!
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