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Posts posted by mordecaijr

  1. in reply to first as in the chapter I am in chapter 1 NG+


    as for second as you can see b my post count I am really new here so I had no idea there was a help thing for this game specifically I just assumed I was having a glitch and I could go straight for tech support thanks for the heads up. I will be more careful next time

  2. I used SpoilerAL to cheat the game made the character lvl 999 and stuff most of the items are 999 except those not covered in SSG but that's not the main thing I need to ask


    there's quest 84 that is supposed to activate in NG+ at lvl 50+ I am lvl 999 and yuidora mine is not opening a new area help?


    I've tried lowering lvl to 50 and then level up once in combat

    I tried lvl 89 lvl to 90

    no idea what to do... can someone help?

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