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Posts posted by Aurethel

  1. Its the same as my name here I thought using the same words as the opening post was enough of a clue >.> stàr - North America - Summoners - League of Legends Statistics - lolking.net


    Xin is really a jungler that needs to get ganks off or he falls behind :$ and I have never played ali and I dont think he is op at all I wouldnt ban him in ranked but people beg you to do it if he hasnt been banned and I want to practice my jungle nunu he is really strong right now:)


    I didn't notice your guessing thing in your opening post, sorry xD


    Thanks, I'll make sure to add you.

  2. I absolutely suck at jungling with anyone other than Alistar or Nunu. I tried yesterday as Xin and I got wrecked. As for my elo, I'm currently sitting at 1206. What's your summoner name, btw?


    Download FSN, man. It's totally worth it.

  3. I know amumu needed the nerf >.> never said he didnt and yes ofc thats why mal is still picked his E is just that amazing


    Never said you were complaining about it =B


    In another note, which position do you enjoy playing the most? I'm mainly an AP mid or a support player whenever I'm in a premade or in solo queue.

  4. It's not that. It's the way they do things. Every time a major tournament finishes and a certain champ is seen to do well, they nerf them into the ground rather than buffing a counter (see: Malzahar).


    Didn't they buff the crap out of Mal recently?


    Soraka its just the art I believe and not her kit, and I was actually a bit sad by the twitch changes they made him him weaker tbh :( I used to jungle him and now he is just meh. Eve still weak but not as weak at least imo. Kat changes look pretty good and idk about garens but he looks pretty strong at least from just some dominion I played yesterday to kill time.


    And yes zyra was broken she came out and she still is very stronk but overall I dont think anyone is gonna flame you 2 badly if you pick any of the 102 champions not even heimer who isnt bad just that you have to be really good with him.


    They made Twitch look more like an AD carry with stealth abilities. I like the current Twitch than the old one because he won't be able to stay out of teamfights as long as he once did. Old Twitch was a janitor, like AP Yi.


    Evelynn is much more fun to play right now because of her new passive. It feels way more stealthy than just skulking around waiting for an opportunity to strike. You have to play with the bushes and the fact that minions can't even see through your stealth, making lane ganking much more violent. People don't usually pink ward the two bushes in the lane.


    I can see why the nerfs would annoy you but they do a really good job recently of not over nerfing...Amumu nerfs were stronk but I'm still picking him everytime I get a good team for him but he no longer drops someone to half hp by landing his bandage toss:o


    In the Ipl san francisco tournament I believe over 80 champions were used :p they cant nerf all 80 and if 1 of those 80 is dominating there is probably something wrong.


    AP Amumu was lethal, it was a deserved nerf. Doesn't make him less fun to play, though.


    As for Malphite, the reason why he's still picked is because he counters the current bruiser AD top laner meta on a large scale. Try playing Xin Zhao or Jax against him and they're sure to be demolished because they rely too much on auto attacks.


    EDIT#3: Man, these edits are really killing me.

  5. I'm a little disappointed by this second season because it looks like it's just there to provide fanservice without any meaningful plot. I like the series, but it could be so much better.

  6. Ill let people guess mine its very original if you know what I mean. NA btw





    I personally think balance is done very well in league having out of 102 champions or so all 102 be viable and having about 80 ish of them viable for tournament play its one of the things I like about league.


    Well the game is starting to be a bit more balanced than it once was. Hell, they're not even touching the recent champions unless it's extremely important (see Zyra who could literally do anything at once). They're reworking a few champions here and there, and it seems fine to me. I expect to see a few more Katarina's and Garen's in competitive play as well as Xin Zhao, Evelynn and Twitch (less Evelynn because she's still weak compared to other champions in viability).


    Now to see if they make the Soraka-Karma reworks go on live soon. It would be awesome and would actually give me a reason to buy Karma.

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