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Posts posted by pramit

  1. Wow, now this is the golden age of the English translated visual novels. First we had YU-NO remake, Baldr Sky, and Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception and Truth one after another. With the additional of Summer Pockets, we got a great line-up of plot driven VNs.


    Yea, I too think this has been a good time for VN's.

  2. Have you tried Eiyuu Senki()| vndb


    You can try this one as well, if you are okay with graphic tentacle porn and not being a rpg (it has gameplay, but its not an rpg) - Marunomi | vndb


    This also has gameplay elements but its not an RPG - Minna Daisuki Kozukuri Banchou | vndb


    Similarly, this is machine translated(the story is not complicated so its readable) and it has managerial and simulation elements - Boukensha no Machi o Tsukurou! 2 | vndb


    Did you play Eien no Aselia and its sequel? Utawarerumono? Re Lord 1(Re;Lord ~Herford no Majo to Nuigurumi~ | vndb) ? Castle Fantasia? Monster girl series?


    Sadly, I am in the same place you are in right now. If you are looking for just eushully translated vn's you are out of luck. These are too difficult to translate because of gameplay elements so they are skipped in favour of traditional text based games. Welcome to the world of translated VNS!

  3. If you enjoyed clannad, then check out all the visual novels made by KEY that are translated to english. If you liked katawa shoujo, then you should probably enjoy all of them. Some are way better than the others though. For me rewrite was the best, followed by little busters.

    I would also recommend grisaia(Grisaia no Kajitsu) , G senjou (G-senjou no Maou). Anyway, it seems that you are just starting (assuming that your list is exhaustive) your VN adventure, so I suggest you make yourself a VN list that will help you keep track of what you have read. There are MANY visual novels that fit the description you wrote , so you are in luck. Here is my visual novel list (voted from 10 to 0) which you can use to find more visual novels that you might enjoy - pramit's visual novel list

  4. You delinquent! You inanimate! You imbecile! Appreciate the authors work! Just like speed running disrespects a game; short cutting disrespects a VN! That's like buying a good book and skipping to the end without taking a moment of consideration that someone put there hard work into creating a story line for your enjoyment! Ugghhhhh anger!!!!!


    You can't rant about the 3rd grade writing and story without having gone through it

  5. There's also Sengoku NEET, though Ivan hasn't uploaded it here. You can obtain one on hentaibedta, with adblock on preferably. You can say that the game is a clone of Sengoku rance, with added dose of comedy.


    thanks! Will try.

  6. have you tried evenicle? that is the last game with gameplay that i remember being released.


    Nope. Looks nice, will try. Thank you!


    Edit: ok I am playing it. I am bored of bland usual goody two shoes protagonist that always come to save the day. Rance was never a goody two shoes, although he did good things, he was never a "good" guy. The game story wise is just boring. But I enjoy the sex scenes, and I really like this kind of art these days. Its funny how quickly characters recover from terrible things, almost makes it a comedy. I like the gameplay, this is perfect for me right now. And most of all, I really like the relationship of open sexual exploration between ramius and aster/protagonist. Thank you once again!

  7. My exams have just ended, so I am looking for suggestions about JRPG that have been newly uploaded to this website(all the way back to few months, I haven't checked the website for some time). Or something like Rance or Sengoku Rance. Anything with interesting game play and good sex scenes.

  8. i see, I'm doing the most annoying heroine first(for me)..michiru. and the comedy is good, but that kind of comedy doesn't appeal to me much.


    if i can finish reading her route or avoid skipping her whole route altogether, i hope the other routes are more appealing to me,

    since i got no problem with the other girls on the prequel.


    i like to treat it as a mystery where i am supposed to find clues in every route about the real plot that is going on. I haven't played the final grisaia yet, but i have/had(don't remember now sorry) a few theories about the cliffhanger in second grisaia and the mysterious events that occur in first grisaia. The writing is great, so i enjoy rereading it (i have read original grisaia 3-4 times), and every time i find myself entertained by some new revelation or theory about the main plot (even if its incorrect). Grisaia no kajitsu has a certain depth to it that gives me the freedom to let me imagination run wild, using everything i know about human psychology and general how societies operate.


    One thing that surprised me is that sachi route actually provides more clues about yuuji's past than makina's route.


    I too am not a fan of michiru. But she is..entertaining to discuss(make fun of) with my friends. For example, there was this one time when i was just showing random quotes from random eroges to my friend..and i never expected this response.


    [27-02-2017 20:58:00] pramit: ""I put too many tampons in! Some of them must have gone deep inside of my pussy... I'll never get them out!""

    [27-02-2017 20:58:29] pramit: you will never guess this one

    [27-02-2017 20:59:13] pramit: ok, that one is too hard for you

    [27-02-2017 20:59:25] pramit: try this one : "Sachi, my friend, feel free to flip out."

    [27-02-2017 21:00:20] friend: Yuuji

    [27-02-2017 21:00:26] friend: previous one.. Michiru?

    [27-02-2017 21:00:33] pramit: lol

    [27-02-2017 21:00:37] pramit: its not from grisaia

    [27-02-2017 21:00:45] pramit: its from some random eroge

    [27-02-2017 21:00:45] friend: oh

    [27-02-2017 21:00:52] friend: that's why it wasnt familiar

    [27-02-2017 21:00:59] friend: but i thought it's something michiru would say

    [27-02-2017 21:01:04] pramit: lol

    [27-02-2017 21:01:13] friend: she is an idiot after all

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