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Posts posted by SwordSaint

  1. Definitely looks interesting. People will probably still find a way to bitch about it being all ages though. Playism is the website that was launched by AGM (AGM runs Moenovel, the one that is doing Kono Oozora ni, Tsubasa wo Hirogete)


    why will someone bitch about it if it's already an all age ver. nobody complained when mangagamaer released higurashi and nobody complained when some company which i forgot released corpse blood party on psp

  2. I'm just thinking what is the wider audience kind they are thinking cause IMO the age range of the people playing vn is 16 maybe lowest and up to 35 or higher is the highest, kids at 12 years old IMO is not that fond of vn because what they want is action and adventure only those who are old enough are reading visual novel it's like kids reads books with pictures adults reads novel with deep plot

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