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Posts posted by Calistilaigh

  1. God, this LB announcement really pisses me off. I know they don't technically owe anyone anything, but I've been holding off on playing LB for about 4 years now, waiting on the 18+ translation, then they just pull this all-ages bullshit.


    Fuck that. Could have just fucking played the base game. What a fucking joke.

  2. I'm expecting an awesome report of the expo when you're back Desi-chan.


    I'm part of the HRP dev team, also at AX this year. I can fill you guys in on the Sekai updates if you need me to. Though I think the transcript should cover most of it, haha.

  3. I downloaded TH2XR from Sukebei, and the patch from EGD, and the game runs fine for the most part, but whenever the scene shifts (new character, location transition, etc), the mouse stops responding to clicks and the scene freezes. The game doesn't freeze itself though, the ctrl button will resume the dialogue or whatever, or moving the mouse outside the game and back in a few times fixes it, but it's an annoying issue and I'm wondering if there's a fix or if this is a common problem?

  4. It doesn't get enough updates for that to be worthwhile. Now it's more like; "Oh it'll be a nice surprise if it does get completely translated." Honestly that's how I look at most (fan) projects anyway. Unless they're very close to completion (LB EX/ME)... at that point they really should come out.



    Speaking of LB EX/ME, did Phlebas fall off the face of the Earth? He hasn't made a twitter post since October.

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