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Posts posted by Peophin

  1. ...did the earlier post I made here get eaten? Ah, well. Anyway, I sadly can't join in on the Rewrite party, because it seems to be just one of many games that won't run on my Mac (I'm using Wine, but unfortunately not everything will work with that).


    Currently playing Sharin no Kuni hoping to get the thing finished already. I'm finally on chapter 5, and it's finally starting to get good. Not as good as G-Senjou's ending, but I'm still enjoying it. It doesn't quite make up for the mess that was Touka's chapter, though. Still trying to decide if it's worth it to get all of the endings...


    Here's the problem I have with Touka's chapter that's making it impossible for me to fully enjoy the rest of the game. Under spoilers for anyone who hasn't played it yet, and I should warn for mentions of child abuse:



    At the end of her chapter, there's the scene where Kyouko is yelling at Touka about how she's abused her, and Touka takes it all in. If this were presented as Touka forgiving Kyouko, I would have no problem with it. But that's not what happened, and that's why I have a major problem with it. Forgiveness would imply that Touka understood and accepted that Kyouko abused her. She did neither. She claimed that Kyouko never abused her.


    Let's look at this for a second. Here's the thing: Kyouko DID abuse Touka. The burn she gave Touka was done on purpose, or so the game all but says. She's unstable and has been known to fly off the handle with little to no warning. She has the mentality of a child who doesn't understand that people think differently from her, and does not know how to raise a child effectively. If she IS to raise Touka, it should require a lot of counseling before she'll actually be okay. And there's nothing indicating that Kyouko won't once again lose her temper without warning and start abusing Touka again.


    I don't actually mind Kyouko, because she KNOWS she's abused Touka and she can't forgive herself for it, and that's why she tries to drive Touka out. Touka, however, ignores this. She claims that Kyouko never abused her. She says that, if her mother hurt her, it must have been because she herself had done something wrong.


    That's not love or forgiveness. It's a symptom of child abuse and it's dangerous. Kyouko even SAYS this is a symptom of child abuse. But the game completely ignores this in favor of letting Touka stay with Kyouko even though it's not the safest option for either of them.


    But then once Touka's chapter is over, everything is all fine and dandy and both of them are getting along perfectly happy with no problems, because their story is done. Despite the fact that there should realistically be a lot of lingering problems if this arrangement is to work out.


    I'm not expecting realism, here. But the game totally overlooking this is where I draw the line.



    TL;DR there's only so far I'm willing to suspend my disbelief, and this crosses that line. This chapter is the reason it's taking me months to get through the game, and frankly I'm a bit surprised that I've never seen it brought it up in discussion anywhere on the internet.

  2. possibility 1: good for you, hope you like it!

    possibility 2: Gerard? Battler? Tsun? Harle? stop teasing me;)


    Haha, I assure you I'm quite real 8) I love creepy things (see: my love for all things 07th Expansion) so KnS is right up my alley.


    While I'm here, might as well list ALL of the VNs I'm working on at the moment. There are a LOT of them because I have no attention span whatsoever.


    • Kara no Shoujo - see above. Hoping to have this one finished in a few days now that I have time.
    • Sharin no Kuni - see previous post. I still have major issue with it, which I'll address when I finish, but I'm powering through now and hopefully it'll get better. Am I the only one who thinks Isono is the best character in the whole game?
    • Fate/Stay Night - I'm ALMOST done with Heaven's Feel route. I got through the other two routes in a matter of days, but for some reason I find this one much less interesting, and it's taking me months.
    • Katawa Shoujo - not normally my sort of thing, but quite good for a romance. Working my way through when I have time.
    • Ever17 - taking a while because my computer despises this game for some reason, but it's very interesting.
    • Little Busters! - just started and I find it hilarious. Really looking forward to this one.
    • Otoboku - totally mindless and blatant male fantasy, and yet strangely intriguing. I have no idea why I'm liking this thing so much.


    And now you can all laugh at my utter lack of attention span.


    I am, sadly, not joining in on the Rewrite party. Why? Because I'm running these on a Mac using Crossover, and Rewrite seems to be just one of many, many games that refuse to work at all despite my attempts at bug fixes. One of these days I'm just going to cave and buy Windows.

  3. Well, I'm currently in the middle of a BUNCH of VNs but there are a few I've been working on recently.


    Another Kara no Shoujo player here! I'm making my way through now and it's awesome. Very creepy, and totally my sort of thing. I'm weak, though, I'm using a walkthrough that a friend translated :p


    Also in the middle of Sharin no Kuni, and... meh. It's not bad, but I'm struggling to understand why people call it a masterpiece. The first two chapters were good, but I hated chapter 3 (Touka's). I've got a lot of problems with it that I haven't seen anyone else bring up anywhere, and it's making me a little confused. (I can discuss this further if anyone's interested.) So, so far it's not bad but not as good as I'd been hoping. I'm hoping that the ending is spectacular enough to make up for it, though, because G-Senjou also had an ending much better than the middle.

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