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Posts posted by Faagasu-sama

  1. Regretfully I'm not some translation expert. All I have are language skills and no technical knowledge. If it wasn't for the fact that the original game's translators are willing to handle all the technical work, I probably won't bother attempting this. :p


    Same here, I am a native speaker, I could help getting Chinese -> English, but I'm not familiar with the hacking and stuff.

  2. First off, there's a patch for the game made by Favorite if you don't already have it - Eternal Heart. So you should definitely use that if you don't have that installed. Also, this is the VN where you'll run into these errors if you don't have your date, number, and time format to Japanese (not just your locale)


    I'll try the patch. I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with the locale and those settings since I play others with no problems. Thanks for the link.

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