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Posts posted by Myste

  1. @Phanteon and Myste


    Try uninstalling the game via Registry.


    delete the registration data by running regedit and going to => HKEY_CURRENT_USER => Software => Overflow => SCHOOLDAYS HQ


    Makes sense should have thought of that myself...Thanks for the reply appreciate it.

  2. Hi, just wanted to post that I currently have the same issue. (well almost the same) I was able to download and install the game without any issues, however after clearing the game a few times, the game was freezing up so I decided to move the saved game files out and uninstall the game. When I attempted to reinstall I encountered the same issue Phanteon has. The loop is I uninstall the game (despite not having it installed at all) then after attempting to install (in multiple directories) each time after naming a location for installation the nothing happens. Upon opening the game up it gives you the option to uninstall or play the game again.

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