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Posts posted by fatestaynight

  1. I need help remembering the name on a VN. What I remember is it was rather dark and to get the whole story you had to play though twice. The parts that stick out in my mind are the girl capturing you in her room and threatening you, secondly in the end of the first play through no matter what you do she ends up murdering her family with a knife. The second time through though is different as you have different choices that are present because you have played though and have in essence insight into the situation. ( easiest way I can explain the change in tone)


    As I remember it before the site went kaboom it was listed near saya no uta. But I can not find it there or by general searches of the topics. If anyone remembers which novel this is it would be a great help. As I cannot recommend it to a friend with out the name >_

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