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Posts posted by Kitoru

  1. I guess you could create a thread in the games section.


    oh, didn't notice there were these kinds of threads there too. Looked around but saw mostly discussion threads so ... (yeah, I kinda didn't see your "random games" thread or exsilon's "random ecchi games")

    Gonna create one once I get finished with most items and interface translation (not too far away, just the story's gonna be a pain to translate)

  2. Some progress, but not much... guess I should do something instead of complaining .. !

    ... oh yeah, there was that rpg maker game ... not too difficult to hack, translate or edit ...


    An question ... if , IF I translate that game, how shoud I go about it? is there some section here I could make an thread on, or something?

    Not to get anyone's hopes up, the game isn't that good, and probably I'll get bored after a while of searching in the events and scripts to see what is what

  3. http://i47.tinypic.com/2csdu2f.jpg I get this message every time i try to save.


    From what I could read from that menssage(which wasn't much), i think there is a problem with the local of the savedata or something like that

    I would try to put the game folder somewhere outside program files


    that is my guess anyway.I got that out of the katakana and 3 kanji, so I'm not very sure it's correct.


    Edit: Just remembered eushully/anastasia games store savedata in the appdata\local, so it has nothing to do with where the folder is

    looking back to the other posts this error menssage could be the same as Cosmiccathorse's

    I have no idea then...try seeing if...

    I just saw you are using applocale,i think it won't work in this game because the game will genarate an folder in japanese for the saves.

    so if your computer is not in japanese the folder will be named a bunch of strange characters instead of japanese and the game will not recognize

    try setting your computer to japanese locale and it should probably work

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