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About Canas

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  1. Mangagamer is going to announce one of those new titles tonight at 10 PM. They just announced it through their main twitter account. Chances are it's a nukige, bleh. I imagine they want to save their more important announcements for Otakon and Anime Expo.
  2. I'm not a guy, also I've been in the visual novel translation community. I've been staff at Amaterasu and still hang out in their private staff channel. Koto is a friend of mine, so people who I will not name have told me that OtonashiP just uses machine translation. Some people from the translation community have even begged Koto to take the Real Imouto ga Iru back because they knew OtonashiP was screwing up the translation. I'm honestly not sure why you guys don't believe me.
  3. Even if he finishes it, which I doubt, OtonashiP is just using a machine translator to translate Real Imouto ga Iru. It's not going to be decent at all. Koto the translator who actually started the project and translated the entire common route knows Japanese though. But he's busy with life issues right now. Might as well let OtonashiP drop it.
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