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Download Comments posted by Shandris

  1. And then when he reaches the End, He will most likely be quite disappointed



    and some of the battles make me bang my head against the desk out of despair because of how long they were (and how pointless because you cant even fucking lose)


    For all those who got problem with battles, just press ctrl. It takes max 5 min/battle.

  2. dude...just read it for the sake of completing the story..

    then judge afterwards...

    After Story never about that bitchy Nagisa~


    Well if you say so then I will read it. Friend didn't finish it yet so mb thats why

    he said so. For now I got muv-luv to finish anyway. Will read clannad after I am done since I enjoyed anime and wanna know rest of the story(other routes).

  3. There's your problem. You didn't play/watch the best part. And no, it's not only nagisa/other world related. There's a lot of other things going on.


    And whats your point ? I asked if there was something to cry about in s1. I could care less about after story since I am not gonna watch/read it in near future at least.

  4. I didn't watch s2 cause its only nagisa/other world related but where exactly did u guys cry ? The only sad part was at tennis court when Okazaki went to help nagisa and made Kyou cry... I will play vn for all routes except nagisa since she is retarded as hell.

  5. Start to study japanese is much faster than waiting. I learn some japanese by watching anime and listening to japanese song, It help. I can understand a little what are they talking. or find someone who understand japanese and ask them to translate it. Good Luck.


    Try learning kanji like that smartass. Hiragana/Katakana takes few h to master it...

  6. I made account to express my gratitude for sharing this VN. I love gore stuff but this one even moved me. Had so much fun reading this, arigatou.


    P.S I've just finished playing this one, so I might have written something weird :D

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