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Posts posted by Emries

  1. Now I know some of you play Kantai Collection which is also by DMM but after getting repeatedly destroyed by the event E-4 multiple times, I need to stockpile materials... or a new game by the same company while my expeditions finish!


    The game I tried is "Search for the Dragon Princess in the Labyrinth!" or DraPrin for short. It's essentially a dungeon crawler / visual novel (think early Rance games) with a friend list. I got the hang of it (sort of), so here's a guide in case you guys want to play too!


    Note: The first 10 minutes of this game is NSFW! There are 1 or 3 H-scenes at the beginning that you can skip and the rest of the game you have the choice to start the H-scenes of your party members that you have 100% affection for (takes a fair bit of time depending on rarity), so totally up to You how NSFW the game is (b-b-b-bakahentai!).


    To get to the game without using a VPN or changing any settings around, go to here: http://www.dmm.co.jp...game/-/ranking/

    Then choose the right game.

    Note: you do need a DMM account, but it can be either English or Japanese DMM account. Facebook works too.


    This is the game you want to choose (the others are all X-rated facebooky games that play similar to clash of clans and castle age and generic card games except Aigis which is a fun tower defense game and Angelic Saga which is basically yu-gi-oh that gets old really fast) :



    Check here for translated general/home interface and translated skill sets:

    Dragon Princess - Maze Exploration - Imgur


    Check here for dungeon interface explanation / translation:

    Dungeon - Imgur


    Check here for wiki. It has card database, details for the cards (stats, skills, what level learns skills), and quests. on-site Google Translate works well with it if you are using Chrome.

    Note: You should be using Chrome to play DMM games as a general rule of thumb.

    迷宮探索ドラゴンプリンセス 攻略 Wiki


    My IGN is Emries as well. Let me know if you add me!

    Have fun! :p

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