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Posts posted by Shadolance

  1. I know it's not VN related, but with the Muv-LUv trilogy being TLed I thought some people might want to know that the anime sequal to Total Eclipse is airing this winter. Not to mentioned Utawarerumono 2. Also, dumb question having been out of the loop for a while, but is the Muv-Luv trilogy being released as an 18+ version or no?



    Utawarerumono is getting a second season. After all these years. The time of times has come.

    Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen


    Maybe another game, I don't know but this fall we get another 25 episode series. Holy fucking shit.


    That is all.

  3. Yeah personally I'm waiting on the 18+ version of Grisaia trilogy. Nekopara IMO wasn't anything special. It wasn't bad, just not good. Felt lukewarm to give it credit. If I wanted eroge I'd stick with MGQ or something. But overall I'm still pleased with the quality of TL for Grisaia, hoping the 18+ versions are coming soon, especially Meikyuu.

  4. Eh, but it wouldn't be game changing would it? Without character cameos they still could have put the game in its own universe and nothing would change story-wise. Unless there's some event involving the Kuki Corp or indirectly influenced by a character in the Majikoi games, what's the difference? Granted, I obviously haven't played the game myself, I was just made aware of its existence because of this post, so I could be totally wrong. Just curious.

  5. Also just a note from the Shin Koihime Musou translation team (I'm an editor on the team) - progress is steady and being made. Nothing lightning-fast, and I'm not the person to give an estimate on a release date, but just letting you all know work is getting done at a reasonable rate :) We also plan on doing Eiyutan after Shin is finished. More on that later. If there are any questions I can forward them to the project head, or you could check out the facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/theskmproject

  6. For those of you who have known me long enough to remember my bitching about Majikoi every single week:


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