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Posts posted by eragon22

  1. Hello,

    I have a roundabout question about Grisaia. I downloaded the game form a site that should have it from erogedownload.com.

    I unzipped it and got following instruction:


    Installation Instructions:

    1. Run bootmenu.exe inside "Grisaia no Kajitsu Install Files" folder.

    2. Click the top button [インストール].

    3. Keep pressing Next until it starts installing.

    (note: you need to be online.

    if you are not online

    you will need this serial code:



    4. Once game has installed, run Grisaia_ver101.exe inside "Run ver101 update file"

    5. Then run [TLWiki]_Grisaia_no_Kajitsu_English_1.0.exe inside English Patch folder.

    6. Follow the prompts.

    7. Enjoy the game.


    Now I m curious why I dont have to mount this game and especially why I need to be online for installing it? I hoped that maybe you can help me: )

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