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About alien30

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    Junior Member
  1. I'm the biggest noob in the universe. T-T I installed Run Revo Uninstall Pro but i don't find any "Scan" button I really used Dosbox by putting the T_LOVE95.exe button on my Dosbox icon but it say this file cannot be run with Dos.
  2. Thanks Maoh, obviously a true MGQ fan^^ I tried this program presented on this forum D-Fend Reloaded: Overview but it doesn't work, saying that my game is a windows game so DOS don't run (?)
  3. No need to be so harsh ^^' I have a windows 7 x69 I downloaded on erogedownload.com I used administrator rights, it doesn't change anything I think it's fully updated and without virus.
  4. I like this game personaly. Nobody knows how to make it work?
  5. Hello Minna-san ^^ I Really want to play again one of my favorite Eroge: True Love But it doesn't work T-T - I download it three time - Used the .reg File each time - Used Compatibility With Each Possible System But it doesn't work. Never. I click on T_LOVE95 but it never launch the game. There is no Error Message, but it doesn't lauch, simply. Onegai-shimasu, does someone know how to make it work ?
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