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Download Comments posted by AniFan

  1. Why u want the new version, dude? As far a I know it only has revised text, different typeface (Vera mono), and some corrected typos,am I right?

    if it was, you know.. revamped sprites, 16:9 720p res, added scenes or something like that, then of course It would be posted here. XD


    Well, I don't know about other people, but to me, the quality of the translation can determine the mood the VN gives off and hence the enjoyability. Like, if the translation is grammatically incorrect, the whole VN just feels ... off somehow.

  2. First time posting!

    I've been wanting to read this VN for awhile now, but I also read that there is a second version with improved translation. Just wanted to ask if someone could kindly clarify this version and, if it is not the 2012 version, please post the patch for the version with the improved translation? It would really be appreciated.

    Oh, and could someone please tell me where to get a working BGI.exe too?


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