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Posts posted by riddle

  1. I have this problem as well, only gotten worst lately due to time restrains. I think the problem is tied to a fear of missing out on something good to read or play, with so many activities vying for our time and attention it's only natural that some things get left behind.

    I have a huge backlog of games noted in vndb, it used to bother me a lot due to my completionist nature, but nowadays i accepted the fact that i can't take on so many things to play or read.

    My advice? set an objective for a vn you want to finish, like completing the common route or a specific character route in a week, or something you feel apropriate, reward yourself when you get it done in that time, etc.

    You can't choose the vn ? too many ? asign numbers to each one you have on the list, and use a random number generator to select what to play. etc.

    Im drunk right now, so this advice might be bs. or something, but yeah, you are not alone in this.


  2. what the heck is Golden Master anyway ?


    The term "release to manufacturing", also known as "going gold", is a term used when a software product is ready to be delivered or provided to the customer. This build may be digitally signed, allowing the end user to verify the integrity and authenticity of the software purchase. A copy of the RTM build known as the "gold master" or GM is sent for mass duplication. RTM precedes general availability (GA), when the product is released to the public.


    It is typically used in certain retail mass-production software contexts—as opposed to a specialized software production or project in a commercial or government production and distribution—where the software is sold as part of a bundle in a related computer hardware sale and typically where the software and related hardware is ultimately to be available and sold on mass/public basis at retail stores to indicate that the software has met a defined quality level and is ready for mass retail distribution. RTM could also mean in other contexts that the software has been delivered or released to a client or customer for installation or distribution to the related hardware end user computers or machines. The term does not define the delivery mechanism or volume; it only states that the quality is sufficient for mass distribution. The deliverable from the engineering organization is frequently in the form of a golden master media used for duplication or to produce the image for the web.

  3. Majikoi Translation Project - Page 31 - Ongoing Projects - Fuwanovel


    Now they lost the translation...


    I really want to believe that project is true, but their problems seem way to convenient to me.


    When they were near finishing all translation and editing, the guy who was supposed to do the patch was too busy with the holiday, once holiday was done they weren't able to contact that guy anymore, so they "hired" a bunch of peoples to make the patch in his place, but for some reason all of them needed weeks to do something lot of peoples are able to do in a few hours and now he lose all the translation.


    So many peoples want to see a complete patch so much, that they prefer to think it's cursed rather than thinking it is all elaborated bullshit.


  4. I thought it was a purrfect (hurhur) fluff VN; unlike the Sakura ...stuff.


    My concerns, just as with Romanesque - is public image. It really seems like groups like MG and SP don't consider how the "equalitists" will respond to these overly sexualized, clearly sexist titles hitting a mainstream platform like Steam. I mean, I


    With that major platform lost, VN devs would likely lose interest in localization of any further works. They are already fairly shy after Illusions Rapelay got pounded into the ground. (it deserved it, personally speaking - but its fate really hurt the outbound industry)


    I get it - sex sells, it's a simple truth; but with all the noise being made last fall about "females and gaming", groups like MG and SP really should consider bringing titles to Steam that can focus more on actual plot, and less on almost-porn-but-not-quite, with girls calling the male protag "master".


    Speaking of which, does the Steam version of Nekopara have the breast bounce slider? Becuase if it does... /facepalm


    Yes it does have that

    Oh and about the steam and the feminazi, they really don't research that much, they go after well know products so that they can get a lot of backlash from, the "niche market" of vs is safe, for now i think

  5. I am played romanesque quite a bit, clocked over 50 hours on it, completed most of the routes, but still no 100%

    For the training lesson at the start i used : 3x ignis first 3 days, tempero ignis 2x next 2 days, and a big area of effect that hits dice on the last one, you can easily get 500 on all the stats, that until u get revificare, and other high end spells for the girls, that makes gathering sprit just a annoying chore.That's why on the second playthrough i just went for spells and finding a good combo for some easy spirit.

    Questing wise you can't complete everyting no matter what, you will get behind very quick in the later part of the game (year 3), so just make an objectiv at the start for a certain character and just do the quest for her, learning spells for that, and if you don't have quest related to it just go diplomas or some other quests for some CG.

    So yeah, that all the advice i can give for the game, you don't really need a gude for this one, a lot of time is needed, that being said i am burned out on it, might pick it up later for a 100% but i doubt it.

    Good luck

  6. I've been thinking about buying this game and I tend to not care about reviews and what not.

    So, here I am asking you guys(I'm expecting a proper response from some of you not all of you) if its worth buying it or not.


    And for the love of... =-= don't give me a a yes or no.

    I have 37 hours in the game as of right now, the game at the start can be a little slow as it has a mmo feel to it, the starting zone is huge and if you have a completionist mindset the game can feel diluted with a lot of backtracking, don't mind the whole rescue my cow from that tree quests, fetch me 5 bear asses because that will ruin the game for you, go for the big scope, only do little quests if you need the level/power etc.

    The story is good in my oppinion... so far, the main villain is weak and bland( maybe it picks up after more time).

    The world is awesome, it's one of the best detailed and diverse environments i have seen in a game, the amount of things to explore is mindblowing.

    The combat for melee clases can feel a strange, and needs some getting used to, mages and arches feel fine and i do recomend playing one.

    The graphics are good, the conversations are at 30fps capped(bioware had some problems with syncing it) the rest of game plays fine 60 fps with some drops in some areas, oh and gl getting this game on all settings on ultra to stay above 60 fps on a single gpu.

    The music is fine, big fights feel epic because of it.

    All of this is a "normal game perspective" if you want a "dragon age game" one, well then i don't know what i can say.Everybody what's something diferent from this game, and it is a diferent take on the dragon age formula(good bits from 1, bad bits from 2) so in the end if you like dragon age games you need to play this i think, the lore and the returning caracters will not make you regret the choice.

    3.5/10 IGN "would fuck GOTY"

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