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Bane Doyle

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Posts posted by Bane Doyle

  1. So... I have a problem.


    I have a copy of this game and I have had it for quite some time. I had it when my last computer was dying 6 months ago, actually.


    I decided to open it up and finally play it just for the heck of it. That did not happen. Instead of the game starting up no problem, like it did on my old computer, it opens a blank screen with multiple windows beside it, including a blue box with an error message. Completely garbled as well, meaning the error text is in Japanese.


    Now, I think a few things that should be mentioned are:

    1) My old PC was Windows XP. This one is Windows 7.

    2) My old PC was set to Japanese locale. I have not switched this one yet.


    If anyone could offer me some help (or just say "it's the locale you idiot, change it" because I suspect that could be part of the problem) I would be happy. If screenshots are needed I will take some later as I don't have the game with me at the moment.


    If it turns out to just be a locale problem than I'll put this to the side until I get off my lazy butt and change it. If it is a bigger error or an OS issue I think it would be good to note.

  2. The reason has actually be stated in interviews and has been touched upon here.


    While they do make back their money on story games and they do make a profit, it's not really enough to get them more of the same stuff. Short nukige are easier and cheaper for them to get, faster and easier for them to translate, faster for them to push out, and cheaper for them to sell. Ergo, they get these and sell them to make a quick return and then add up their profit to show they DO make a profit and so they can use that money made back to get better games.


    It sucks. But it's true.

  3. It's a good idea, but do we need an another Spoilerfest section on the forum, isn't the Library one enough? :>

    I'm all for it, but I would personally avoid that section. You never know what crazy spoilers someone will write in the reviews.

    Since it is a review, wouldn't a small amount of spoilers automatically be expected?


    Unless I don't care about spoilers (and normally I do not), I always skip to number ratings and the final thoughts. That way I get the gist of it, but I am not too spoiled to the point where nothing is a surprise. But that is just me.

  4. Honestly, I don't mind waiting for games to be translated at all. I know that translation is going to take a long time, no matter who does it (granted, fantranslations make me more annoyed than official ones in general because they take longer, however JAST and the Nitro+ fiasco shit is annoying me more).


    I think it is worth the wait so long as you don only sit around and wait for THAT GAME. Read other games, do other things, and the waiting is ok.


    Wait for one game and one game only forever and you just want to give up hope.

  5. I enjoyed it a little, but it wasn't all that great. I ended up not finishing it, unfortunately, because I just could not get into it.


    Aside from writing issues, the look of the game really... annoyed me I suppose. Looking at minimized screenshots the game looks ok, but full sized? The sprites are blurry and out of focus. I don't know if that was intentional or not, but it ended up giving me a headache since I have poor eyesight.


    It's a shame because they did have some honestly good ideas. They just executed it rather poorly.

  6. Higurashi When They Cry. Hey look... finally a decent VN on Greenlight.

    Finally a BETTER than decent VN on Greenlight to me. Why MG didn't put this one up from the get go I will never know.


    *Reading the comment sections on steam* Wow, lots of funny stuff in there. XD

    Yeah, I just ignore those considering Steam is made up of "THIS ISN'T A GAME GRAHR" kind of guys. At least this game isn't getting the worst brunt of comments.


    Love the guy saying it needs zombies.

  7. Go Go Nippon http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=93045793&ExtraParams%5B0%5D=&method=filedetails&controller=sharedfiles&insideModal=0&requirelogin=1

    Date Warp Steam Greenlight :: Date Warp

    Loren the Amazon Princess Steam Greenlight :: Loren The Amazon Princess

    Fading Hearts Steam Greenlight :: Fading Hearts

    Spirited Heart Steam Greenlight :: Spirited Heart

    Coming Out on Top Steam Greenlight :: Coming Out On Top

    Always Remember Me Steam Greenlight :: Always Remember Me

    IceBound (No page at VNDB but claims to be one) Steam Greenlight :: Icebound

    Bionic Heart http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=93089231


    Ren'Py Game Collection: Steam Workshop :: Ren'Py Games and English Visual Novels


    MG you chose THAT game because you made it didn't you.


    I honestly don't stand anywhere for most games. Just sharing this in case people want to rate them.

  8. Well in this case I like the voice of your friend...whatever. It was a short and funny read, why isn't it on vndb btw?

    Most short EVNs seem to be missing on VNDB, either because the people playing it don't use the service or don't already see it. Or the creators don't add it themselves (which I think is the best option out of anything else).

    Maybe they should add it?

  9. Yeah... I fell for a troll.


    .... I shall mope in disgrace and sadness. First time I actually was unable to differentiate from a troll and truth.


    And this is why I should check Google myself as well. *headdesk*


    /vn/ normally doesn't have trolls quite like that, normally they're of the extremely obvious variety.

  10. Fuck. Goddamn fuck.


    I want Baldr Sky as much as the next guy, but I don't think any half-decent VN translator will touch it if it means that the guy hosting TLWiki would be arrested over it.


    Wonderful. B(


    Can't they just hit Futsuu with a cease and desist and be done with it? Instead of targeting any site he may be hosting it on? Most C&Ds simply end there, no action taken, project downed, and no one indicted, everyone moves on. Forcing TLWiki (and other sites) down for one game is bull, no matter how you slice it, because for all we know their definition of "remaining down until it can be demonstrated" could be "permanently" already. It's even more so since the guy hosting the sites isn't the one working on the translation.

  11. I want to see a Western VN that keeps the ideas of a visual novel but a Western setting, characters, and art too.

    One that is actually rather GOOD and longer than Knife of the Traitor (which was pretty nice, if I say so).

    If there can be a good Japanese VN with an American setting and characters, by by jove there can be a good Western one! (Hotel Dusk is what I am referring to, by the way, developed by a Japanese company and all that)


    I don't think the issue of quality is low money, after all if that is the case than only the art would suck if the person can't buy any (and, if they can't learn programming, the game would be utterly simple). I think the issue is people not thinking they will do well anyway so they don't end up pushing themselves to go for a higher quality. And then the writing itself is bad-poor. Combined with young starters who don't know what they are doing, you get awful games.


    If 07th Expansion can make Higurashi a franchise with HIS art all by himself, I am certain that some Western devs can. I hope...

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