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Posts posted by Vokoca_

  1. Hi guys!


    I haven't really introduced myself here properly yet, so here goes.


    I'm Vokoca, and I've joined the project back in February. I do a little bit of composing as a hobby, so when I saw that a project as interesting as this still had this position open, I thought it'd be interesting to try making some music for a visual novel. Helv for some reason really liked it, so here I am now. :D Luckily we also got the awesome Palas on our team, so the OST should have some nice variety.


    But enough rambling about myself, lets get to something that actually matters. What can you expect from Violet Hill's music? Rather than trying to clumsily describe it with words, here, have a listen for yourself - the new main menu theme included in the demo 3.0. :)


    On the topic of the demo, I have some more updates. We're aiming to release the demo this October, but because of some timing issues, we will have to leave some stuff out for now. It's nothing major, but from the music side, some of the place-holder tracks are still present - though you will be able to enjoy most of the new OST already. Of course, all of the public domain tracks will be completely gone by the time of the full release.


    Anyway, that's all from me for now, look forward to the demo coming later this month~!

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