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Posts posted by Garuda

  1. It's been a little while but I'll see if I can go through the steps again. I assume you already gotten the basic game installed correct? If not, do it now.


    After that run the English patch. I think you simply need to run it and not move files into your folder.


    Then go to the folder. You should have in it files with names like Never7_English_OGG. Double click on the .OGG and it should run.


    After that you get a Never7 Start Menu. Set it to 'Window' and click Start.


    If that doesn't work can you take a screen shot of your files so we can see what you have? If you're running Vista there should be a Snipping Tool that you can find.

  2. Thanks for the link but I'm afraid no option is showing up. Right clicking shows the following:


    Return (which simply closes the menu)

    File Menu (which leads to SAVE and LOAD)

    Font General

    Font Female (I have no idea why these exist, they don't seem to actually do anything)

    Skip to Next Choice

    Skip Read Lines

    Minimize Window

    Return to Title

    Quit Game


    Those are all the choices from the drop down menu.

  3. Putting a CD in unfortunately doesn't appear to do anything. The patch might make it work, I'm about to try. Unfortunately it's warning me that if I do without the game CD I won't be able to hear the BGM. Can anyone suggest anything before I make the next attempt?


    Okay, using the patch works. Specifically, I installed the patch, went into Program Files and started it from there (you get there by clicking on Computer and then double clicking on something that says (C : ). I would put a screen shot up but unfortunately this site has suddenly stopped accepting my files even though they're of the approved image type.


    In C: (at the top it should read something like 'Computer > © : >') then go the folder Program Files, go to CYBERFRONT (unless you installed it somewhere else in which case search for CYBERFRONT on your computer), go to Never7 in CYBERFRONT and then double click the application Never7_English_CD (make sure to install the English patch first). It appears to open a menu where you can choose to view it as a window instead of full screen (which seems to be a problematic with this game).


    However at this time I'm still not sure how to get music to work. If anyone has any advice on that, thanks in advance.

  4. It was installing from scratch. Did it anyway. Eventually it seems to have installed, only now giving me this message (which I got the last time I tried this as well)




    If it follows the past, clicking X a few times should get rid of the message and cause it to go to a black screen with an unresponsive game and no way to close it without shutting down.

  5. With 7-zip I managed to extract the files to a folder, but I couldn't tell it 'Move', it gave me an error message. I had to select all of the files and use the mouse to drag them to the folder. Anyway currently at setup again. In Japanese. Here's the current screen if anyone recognizes it and can help me figure out which to click (please warn me if any personal information is visible in kanji).



  6. Unfortunately when I attempted to extract the files from WinZip to a folder I received a message that there was an error and I needed authorization, even though I'm using an account with administrator access. It seemed to still work and I set up the game, but then the only thing that would play or react at all was the opening movie. Nothing, including the options, would work. Ultimately I used the task manager to get rid of it, but on both attempts the task manager was completely hidden by the black screen caused by the game. Additionally because everything was in Japanese I was never even able to see any options to open it as a window. Any advice would be great.

  7. First of all, I've the game installed but I didn't touch it at all. I'm obviously not the right person to answer your questions but I'll nevertheless try to help you.



    I'm getting old you know? All I can say is that I've three folders (CD1, CD2, CD3) and each of them has its own exe file which I can start.

    edit : All of them starts at the same point though.



    Same here, I just tried it out. Well it's probably something like a scene save where you'll always start from the beginning of each scene.


    I think you're correct about the scenes, I appear to be able to start from the beginning of a scene but not partway through it. Personally that seems like a very poor way to design an adventure game, but allowances should be made for something from the 90s. There's not much that can be done about the rest so I'll just have to keep playing until the end of each scene. Thanks.

  8. I appear to be able to get it to work through either clicking on the application after it has been extracted to My Documents or by using WinRar* and clicking on the application. Unfortunately any save I make will instead start right at the beginning. I assume this isn't a regular feature.


    Could you please share how you installed your version of the game? Did you extract it, click on something which installed it and then play the game?


    *Repairing didn't seem to work.


    Additionally the start of the male route is a bit strange. Is it supposed to start with a dream or flashback that doesn't work on mine? When I play it starts with the male lead falling out of his chair, and the situation is of the sort where you usually see a mysterious dream beforehand.

  9. I suspected it might be a corrupted file when I noticed that part 01 was 80 megabytes smaller than the rest. To be sure I deleted each part, downloaded them again and tried eight times (once for each file downloaded). While I no longer get the following error message:


    'Error: CRC mismatch in file "C:\Users\Owner\Downloads\Hentai\Eve\eve cd3\Eve3.DAT" in the archive "C:\Users\Owner\Downloads\Eve.part01.rar" '


    'Irrecoverable error: CRC error detected'


    I now receive this one:


    'Irrecoverable error: Output creation order'


    I have no idea what is causing this. Could you explain what you mean by letting Winrar repair it? Is this something Winzip cannot do?

  10. I have downloaded all of the files on this site for Eve: Burst Error. Unfortunately when I attempt to extract them from the Winzip folder to a folder on my computer I get the following error message:


    'Error: CRC mismatch in file "C:\Users\Owner\Downloads\Hentai\Eve\eve cd3\Eve3.DAT" in the archive "C:\Users\Owner\Downloads\Eve.part01.rar" '


    'Irrecoverable error: CRC error detected'


    Please note that this is not the only file that gives an error message when I attempt to extract them, simply the first error that appears before the extraction fails. Attempting to start installation by clicking on the files inside the Winzip folder also fail. My OS is Vista. Any advice that could be offered would be appreciated.

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