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Download Comments posted by JackyMark

  1. Thanks for the upload.


    I don't suppose anybody know when the 18+ version of Grisaia no Rakuen is due out? Not when Ivan will get and upload, he'll do that when he does it, but when the game actually releases. vndb.org only says "2017". I'm hoping to get a little more specific than that.


    Smilar to the last time with grisaia no meikyuu, probably itll be released in late August

  2. Dude, really? Can anyone else confirm this aside from the tags itself?


    i was trying to make out wut the heck is this game, but i cant seem to understand wut i supposed to do after reaching the B1 area...

  3. I understand that there are no h scenes, i dont really care about that, but was the game "sanitized"?

    For example according to the anime Yuuji was something like a sex slave as a child and also slept with his master and Julia when he was about 12/13.The story has some strong points. Is that treated right?


    all above, and you forgot that he also hav sex with his mother `3`

  4. It will take long time. They didn't even announce release date yet.


    From the looks of it, Sekai/Denpasoft wants fans to buy the game twice, as they don't plan to provide any "uncensor patch" or "adult content addon" - impatient fans will buy the game now, to read the story, then again when adult version becomes available.


    agree, so ill dl the game now to read and then wait for the uncensored patch to apply on the game and read again `3`

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