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Posts posted by Serge

  1. Hello, I'm with the team. [...]


    If you're impatient, then let's just say sometime in June there will be a 100% patch released. Ideally (but not completely guaranteed).


    Wow, I didn't think someone would give me that much information :) Thank You.


    It's not that I'm impatient (we all know here that waiting for translation can be long, excruciatingly long even (Little Busters EX / Kud-Wafer / Majikoji - Mijako Route). But Miu is pretty much my favourite and i was planning to start this game from her route :D


    Either way thx for answer :)

  2. anyone else is experiencing really slow download speeds from downloadani


    Yup - speed is pretty slow 30 max 50 kB/s (i suggest using jdowloader or some similar program - it speeds up the whole process a little bit -but you still need to enter captcha for each part).

    I'll probably switch to downloading from different source, cause it is just to slow and require too much off Your attention.

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