Requirements to unlock the others’ routes are as follow:
-Finish Komomo‘s route to unlock Kosame‘s
-Finish Isuzu‘s route to unlock Chinami‘s
-Finish Asuho, Isuzu, Komomo, Kosame and Chinami‘s routes to unlock the Mysterious Girl‘s route.
-You must complete all the routes to unlock Mare‘s route.
Choices in parantheses () might not show up, if they don’t appear, then simply ignore them.
Minahoshi Asuho – 南星明日歩:
Stay out of it.
Tell her.
(Forget it.)
Tease her.
(Take her feelings to heart.)
Keep silent.
Grab on.
Drop the subject.
(Stay still.)
Aoi Isuzu – 蒼衣鈴:
Cover up for her.
Don’t tell.
(Forget it.)
Tease her.
(Take her feelings to heart.)
Welcome her.
I can’t.
Drop the subject.
(Stay still.)
Hisakaki Komomo - 姫榊こもも:
Stay out of it.
Don’t tell.
(Forget it.)
Thank her.
(Take her feelings to heart.)
Keep silent.
I can’t.
Give it a shot.
(Stay still.)
Hisakaki Kosame – 姫榊こさめ:
You must do Komomo’s route to unlock Kosame’s
Cover up for her.
Tell her.
Try again.
Tease her.
(Take her feelings to heart.)
Keep silent.
I can’t.
Drop the subject.
……A couple?
(Stay still.)
Kogasaka Chinami – 小河坂千波:
You must do Isuzu’s route to unlock Chinami’s
Cover up for her.
Tell her.
(Forget it.)
Tease her.
Thank her.
Keep silent.
I can’t.
Drop the subject.
Embrace her.
Mysterious Girl – 夢:
You must do the 5 above routes to unlock this route
Stay out of it
Don’t tell
Forget it
Tease her
Take her feelings to heart.
Keep silent
I can’t
Drop the subject
Stay still.
(……Don’t say that.)
(I can’t accept her.)
Mare – メア:
You must do the Mysterious Girl’s route to unlock Mare’s
Stay out of it.
Don’t tell.
Forget it.
Tease her.
Take her feelings to heart.
Keep silent.
I can’t.
Drop the subject.
Stay still.
Respond to her feelings.