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anyone know of a hentai game where you control the male character and pick watever paths angles ways on geting the girl? and DOING it to the girl bulding friendship teseing after married teseing xx love kind of like a remote control character ?


im board of the games where you click and read 1000s of words and where you come to the scene where it happens


oh and the Download Size must be 1gb max more than 1.5gb i cant download but if i cant avoid it still OPEN FOR NAMES


( my bandwidth is limted like 30gb i got other stuff i need to do wit that so always looking for less gb downloads is better Right?)


do i sound awkward?


or am i asking this in the wrong place

Edited by Saito
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anyone know of a hentai game where you control the male character and pick watever paths angles ways on geting the girl? and DOING it to the girl bulding friendship teseing after married teseing xx love kind of like a remote control character ?


im board of the games where you click and read 1000s of words and where you come to the scene where it happens


So , youre basically saying youre tired of 98% of all eroges , including nukiges.

In any case , i think full blown dating sims are for you then. Though keep in mind that many of them also have a crapton of text to click. Try old stuff but good stuff , like True Love for example. I'd go on a stretch and say try Sengoku rance as well , but im not sure if its more than 1gb in size , probably is. That and it also has loads of text , but its more focused on comedy and the strategic/RPG side of it.


...or you can always go pro and get Rapelay.

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You can always try the Illusion games series...

Although I doubted that any of those games passed the "below 1GB" criteria...


Custom Maid 3D by Kiss also a good choice...(I had tons of fun with the game)


Also, there's one user here in this forum have all the links you wanted as his signature.

I just don't remember who. You gotta explore the forum to find him...(He's one of the veteran members if I'm not mistaken...)

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