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Need help Remembering old Eroge I played

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So I know it was somewhere in the last year(ish?) that I played it and I remember enjoying the game alot.. Thing Is I have horrible memory and can't remember what it is anymore.


Game I also believe was RPGish maybe as well.


One of the characters was I think either a Half-sister/Sister or Cousin that had long black hair and was a swordswoman and quite skilled If I recall, I could also swear her name was Rin or Ren or something.. I could totally be off.


I remember one of the scene's for her was she was hiding under your blanket giving the main character a BJ.. anyways that the one scene i can remember from this game at the moment.


I don't know if its enough information but I figure i'd give it a shot anyways.

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So I know it was somewhere in the last year(ish?) that I played it and I remember enjoying the game alot.. Thing Is I have horrible memory and can't remember what it is anymore.


Game I also believe was RPGish maybe as well.


One of the characters was I think either a Half-sister/Sister or Cousin that had long black hair and was a swordswoman and quite skilled If I recall, I could also swear her name was Rin or Ren or something.. I could totally be off.


I remember one of the scene's for her was she was hiding under your blanket giving the main character a BJ.. anyways that the one scene i can remember from this game at the moment.


I don't know if its enough information but I figure i'd give it a shot anyways.



I think I may have found her, The game I think is Ultimate Boob Wars



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