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What it is - sister site of Ehentai

What it contains - the stuff the advertisement people don't want you to see


Easy way

step 1: go to Ehentai

step 2: make a account (already have a account? ignore this step then)

step 3: log in

step 4: go to Exhentai

step 5: enjoy


Did not work? clear cookies try again


still not work?

try the really long but worth it way


Really long way

step 1: download Firefox

step 2: download cookie manager for firefox

step 3: go to Ehentai and log in

step 4: go to Exhentai

step 5: open cookie manager

step 6: change all the Ehentai cookies host from .e-hentai.org to .exhentai.org (SAVE AS NEW)

step 7: refresh and enjoy


not sure if posting this breaks the rules if so feel free to delete wont do it again just wanted to share the "secret site" with mai fellow VN lovers

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