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Ok I don't know if their is a thread for this and I'm far to tired to look.So if their is my bad!


I'm thinking about downloading this game but I'm on the ropes about it,so I though I would ask you guys.

I know it is a RPG style VN like Kamidori Alchemy Meister , Daibanchou -Big Bang Age- , and Koihime Musou.


So my questions are about the game-play and story.


1. How is the story and is it censored

2. Do you get to choose anything from the girls to speech options

3. Does it have multiple routes and endings

4. How is the combat system

5. Can you customize like armor, weapons, and skills


I think some people said that they like this game,so I just want to know if its worth playing.Before I spend time downloading it and playing it.Especially playing it, because RPG VN take for ever to beat.


Thanks in at advance for your replies .

Edited by Breakthrough
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Ok I don't know if their is a thread for this and I'm far to tired to look.So if their is my bad!


I'm thinking about downloading this game but I'm on the ropes about it,so I though I would ask you guys.

I know it is a RPG style VN like Kamidori Alchemy Meister , Daibanchou -Big Bang Age- , and Koihime Musou.


So my questions are about the game-play and story.


1. How is the story and is it censored

2. Do you get to choose anything from the girls to speech options

3. Does it have multiple routes and endings

4. How is the combat system

5. Can you customize like armor, weapons, and skills


I think some people said that they like this game,so I just want to know if its worth playing.Before I spend time downloading it and playing it.Especially playing it, because RPG VN take for ever to beat.


Thanks in at advance for your replies .


1- The story is awesome and if your talking about the CGs, yes there are censored.

2- Yeah, there are some options in the speech but in this game is the events you select in the world map that triggers a specific girls event.

3- Multiples routes, yes (only 3 I think) and yes, it has multiple endings, I think there are 3-4 in total.

4- The combat system is you have several Generals/Lieutenants and their respective platoons, you select a specific platoon and invade an neighbor country and claim it as yours and so on (the game has an in-game tutorial so don't worry).

5- You can.


It's totally worth it, so download it right away.

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Everything Ryu wrote is true, and to add a little more detail:


2. It's not like a traditional VN in the sense that instead of reading until presented with a choice of dialogue options, the game progresses in turns and you have anywhere from 2-5 actions per turn to use on many, many options of things to do. On one turn, you might use your actions on battles, and on another turn, you might use your actions on viewing scenes with characters or developing your army. There's a lot to do here, frankly

3. There's one 'true' route, three routes following specific heroines, a 'routless', gameplay-based option, and a free-for-all battles only option. Oh, and five levels of difficulty. Doing everything will take like a literal week of playtime.

4. Combat is fairly simple but good fun. The funnest thing for me was capturing enemy generals and recruiting them to my side, growing my army and making me stronger and stronger (while building a harem lol)

5. You can customize character skills and stats, and one slot for items, but there isn't any traditional equipping of weapons or armor. Which, for this kind of game, is a really good thing.


Hope that all makes sense. Now go get the game and block off the next couple of days from your schedule, trust me lol

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This was actually one of the first full on eroge I played. Before this I only read visual novels. The gameplay here is extreme and would hold it's own even without the story or hentai elements(and both those are quite nice).


I would warn you however, out of the games I've played, both this and Big Bang Age, have a very steep difficulty even on the lowest setting. A walkthrough is recommended if you are a completionist and want to see all the story options and h-scenes.

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