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Everything posted by Acrobot

  1. It is just a non completed patch for all the bug fixes. Think they released it just to try to sate some of the anger over how long the whole process is taking. Once they get this patch worked out fully and release it then maybe the patch to restore the censored content can be worked on and put out. Who knows how long that will be though. With being so busy during the holidays, decided I'll just wait for everything to be released before I start back up.
  2. Been something of a patch released finally though it comes with a warning to use it at your own risk. Haven't tried it myself yet but been a few days and no one has posted on Jast's discussion thread that it's broken their game yet anyway. Still an iffy thing though. https://connect.jastusa.com/helpdesk/attachments/5050271312
  3. Yeah I've packed it in until the game gets patched, whenever that might be. Will come back and play again once that happens but until then will move on to other stuff.
  4. Finding anything new is getting so frustrating at this point but I finally stumbled across something different on this one. It is just the Paris for Two ending but there's a little surprise waiting in there if I haven't messed up typing it all out. Too tired to go back and check right now, will do so in a day or so. ep.1: 1 ep.2: TO,X,TO,X,1,2,2,1,1,TO,1,TO,1,1,1,2,2,2,TO,1,X,TO,1,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,1,2 ep.3: 1,X,1,X,1,TO,2,2,X,1,1,2,2,X,TO,TO,X,TO,2,2,2 ep.4: 1,2 Paris for Two (alternate)
  5. Went through it again and works fine for me so seems to be all good, and no one has messaged me otherwise so think it's set as typed out.
  6. I think I've finally pieced it together, but it needs some checking I think before putting it in the main post so I'll put it here for now. I'll double check again tomorrow to make sure it works if no one can before then. I had to start at the end scene and work my way backwards scene by scene to figure out the route. I tried it once through and it worked but given how backwards the process was not sure I didn't overlook a typo or two in there somewhere. It's another bad ending really but the ending scene does have some interesting backstory on Setsuna that I haven't yet seen on any ot
  7. Got an ending that's not on the list over the weekend called Not Worth Remembering but I didn't write down the choices, going to backtrack that one when I can and figure out the route.
  8. Finally been able to play again but having trouble with one of the routes posted. Has anyone else had issues with the Like Mother, Like Daughter ending? Gone through it twice from start to finish following the route posted and I get succumbing to pleasure instead. Possible I've messed it up both times but wondering if anyone else has had the same issue.
  9. There's finally a patch for the save problem with Manami endings so get that patch if you haven't already. Haven't had any time last few days to play much so haven't tested it out yet but hopefully it works.
  10. Time to get out the old sarcasm detector. So hard to tell these days.
  11. Having started on the bottom half, I'm a bit confused on how exactly these are counting where episode 2 starts. If i select 1 as the first choice, the episode ends without another option even though the route map still shows you as in episode 1. So are you using the route map to decide when episode 2 starts? I sent another ending for the bottom half but I used a different method for the chapters I suppose.
  12. That's the last one I need as well and I've gone back and forth through the top half trying everything I can think of to get that ending with no success. I'll keep playing around with it when I can but it must be a very specific set of choices to reach it or the bar has to be in just the right spot that I haven't hit on yet.
  13. I didn't want to muddy up the thread too much so I sent PM with a number of the endings I've gotten not listed here, post if you still need them.
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