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Posts posted by Stoopet

  1. i don't what's you fucking problem, and i don't even read you post man.

    i know what i'm talking about, and i don't give a 2bit fuck about you.or you'r fucking opinion. bashing people behind they're back.

    misdirected anger. hey stupid. you got some fucking issue's man.


    so if this last post got me ban, so be it.


    ow, and if you're really want to leave this post, you would've closed the thread. instead. you keep coming here in this forum just to bash people who's disagree on you.


    oo and i hope you got a fucking ulcer. what a fucking loony




    --so for the other member :


    --check out the track record of this guy. he's only here for one thread only. never join anything else. never post on anything besides this thread. what the hell is he doing here anyway?


    Holyshit, you're back yet again, only to make a bigger fool out of yourself?


    Wow dude, so on top of contradicting yourself like a brainless troll, you're also a hypocrite? good going man, good going.


    And no, i'll keep coming here as long as there are trolls like you to keep me amused with their extreme idiocy.

    And FYI, you're pretty much the only one who's "disagree'ing" with me (Yet you keep going around in circles and contradicting yourself over and over like a hysterical maniac).


    Uhh...Okay? Let's assume i made an account just to make this thread, You've got a problem with that?

    "What the hell is he doing here anyway" That's a question i should be asking. What on the fucking seventh hell are you fucking doing here? Do you have shit to do beside trolling on this thread? For fuck's sake, grow a pair kid, you're a disgrace to the humans.


    Btw mods, We really need a Report button next to the Reply/Quote one.

  2. what troll? you are the one bashing people behind their back, stating how wrong is it to believe in something. you trolling her behind her back.


    and i'm a fucking guy, who respect woman who understand how the world works, and stand firm on their believe. just because everyone here happens to agree on you, you think everyone out there agree with you?


    it's not about TARGET AUDIENCES !!!!


    she's played more than 100 titles, that means she has to love otome games. just most of the kind she played has no sex in them. then she's looking for an adult one, an r-18 title. and all she can find was bunch op rape scenario. she's just want some straight romance and some straight sex, where woman wont be defiled in grotesque way.


    AGAIN THIS DOESN'T have anything to do with who's this game was created for. it's about her love for otome game, and those expectation fall short. so she post it, review it for other people to see. people like you who disagree with it, instead following your own advice about not caring about them. decide to come here on male centered bishoujo game forum, bash her, and laugh about how wrong she was.


    and don't talk about education, i got a cum laude in economics. that doesn't mean anything, but i'm mature enough to allow other people to believe in something different than me,


    and i'm not a native english speaker, so you might misunderstand something. the reference to californication and 9 1/2 weeks is about someone state of mind. she's a straight girl who's not like weird thing who also happen to love otome games.


    and again there's a lot of people out there who loves fetishes, women who really like to imagine being rape, dominated, enjoy anal sex, etc. like those poeple in californication and 9 1/2 weeks. whether they act on in or not it doesn't matter


    of course woman like that would have love these kind of otome game, and accept it. but not her she's not a woman like that. not in her head. she finds that repulsive.


    and if i had to choose which woman i like. i prefer straight woman like her to be my girlfriend and wife. we will have a nice and boring little family like everyone else.


    and i do defend her. but my post contains a lot of things about myself too. you have to know someone before you judge them.


    "Maybe other girls in japan or anywhere else had these kind of fetishes, but that's irrelevant to the discussion."

    ...How old are you, 10? "


    yes it's damn irrelevant. it's about HER preferences in otome games.


    after reading you're post i feels like you're a developer of these kind of otome games, and can't recieve any kind of criticism. and say's things like if you don't like it don't but it remark


    please don't say troll , i'm criticizing you.





    personally i feel. comfortable, because i stand on what i believe.


    and if someone challenge my idea, of course i'll reply. we just have to had a mature discussion. are you guys reasonable people?


    and this thread is about bunch of mature people talking about things, issue to discuss.


    and because my english is quite bad maybe you're misunderstanding something that makes me into somekind of troll.


    but i'm not and in the future i might need you guys help again if i encounter problem. so don't hate me for it


    and i really like this site. so please don't reply with such hostility when someone disagree on something. well maybe i'll work on my reply first


    You're still here?


    "and i'm a fucking guy, who respect woman who understand how the world works, and stand firm on their believe. just because everyone here happens to agree on you, you think everyone out there agree with you?"


    Lol what? Respecting women and standing up for an immature internet twat are two different things, and you're definitely not doing the former. Also, understand how the world works? What the fuck? Oh no, No fuck no, you don't understand shit because if you did you wouldn't have posted such utter bullshit.


    Oh and by the way, i really doubt you're a guy.


    "she's played more than 100 titles, that means she has to love otome games. just most of the kind she played has no sex in them. then she's looking for an adult one, an r-18 title. and all she can find was bunch op rape scenario. she's just want some straight romance and some straight sex, where woman wont be defiled in grotesque way."


    What the fuck is that supposed to mean? "Straight romance and some straight sex"??? Uhh, Does it say anywhere that Otome game is a lesbian or gay game? Because as far as i'm concerned, it's a guy and a girl going at it.


    "AGAIN THIS DOESN'T have anything to do with who's this game was created for. it's about her love for otome game, and those expectation fall short. so she post it, review it for other people to see. people like you who disagree with it, instead following your own advice about not caring about them. decide to come here on male centered bishoujo game forum, bash her, and laugh about how wrong she was."


    Yes it does, she's basically insulting the japanese culture (And not the japanese culture, but pretty much most cultures and the preferences of alot of people), and bashing the companies, she's saying that those games don't appeal to her and they must make games with what she likes so she can be happy and leave the majority hanging. Wtf?


    "and i'm not a native english speaker, so you might misunderstand something. the reference to californication and 9 1/2 weeks is about someone state of mind. she's a straight girl who's not like weird thing who also happen to love otome games."


    Dude, seriously, if you were right here close to me i'd burn the living shit out of you.

    " she's a straight girl who's not like weird thing who also happen to love otome games" Holyfucking shit, WE KNOW SHE'S NOT A LESBIAN OR TRANSEXUAL, SHE'S A STRAIGHT GIRL, OTOME GAMES ARE FOR STRAIGHT GIRLS, RIGHT? and weird? What the hell? She's beyond weird, she's probably the weirdest female internet user i have ever seen. and no, she does not love otome games, otherwise that stupid, pointless ranting article of her wouldn't exist in the first place.


    "of course woman like that would have love these kind of otome game, and accept it. but not her she's not a woman like that. not in her head. she finds that repulsive."



    "and if i had to choose which woman i like. i prefer straight woman like her to be my girlfriend and wife. we will have a nice and boring little family like everyone else."


    You keep saying "straight woman" But what the fuck is that supposed to mean? Do you have some kind of paranoi of lesbians or something? Or is there some other kind of women sexuality that we don't fucking know of?

    I doubt you're a guy anyway, since i'm so fucking sure there's no guy out there who'd want a girl like that, an immature little prude ignorant bitch, that's not what men want, not in the fucking seventh hell. and No, don't group other people with your fantasies, "boring little family" is not what you'll get from a girl like her, and don't generalise, not "everyone else" wants to live a fucked up life.


    "what's with the age reference man? you think you so old and mature and wise and know everything?"

    No, i don't think i'm "so old and mature", but i certainly know better than YOU.


    Holyshit man, reading your post first thing in the morning. fuck. i think i should just sleep off the day, it's a shitty one.


    Yo, can someone close this thread? It became something stupid.


    That'd be much fucking apperciated, before that though, we need a mod to delete inthesky's retarded posts and everyone'll be happy.




    exactly my reaction when i woke up this morning and the first thing i read is inthesky's reply.



    it seems the thread owner still wants to keep it strong~


    I don't want to "keep it strong", i already left the thread before, but this inthesky guy (Or perhaps girl is more appropriate?) is pissing me off, he has no fucking common sense and you just can't sit there and watch while he writes some utter bullshit.

  3. actually..

    i was revealing her inner side based on my experience..

    so..you can say i crap the shit up either..


    i remember something bout her being married right???

    maybe she got a wimpy+weak husband...

    thats why she fantasies all those yet she cant have her pleasure..

    so all she can do is complain and rant bout her stupid ideas and dreams~

    harem is harem...what we think and what we want never being realistic

    neither does reality..

    so..harem are fine by its own..

    other than tentacle rape for sure..


    Well yeah, that's why i said i kind of understand what you're trying to say.


    Can we please let this thread die again?


    This is going back to "we are right and she is wrong" again. With highly uncomfortable undertones.

    Her having a different opinion does not make her a troll (even if they are kinda doofy).


    Let the thread die again. This discussion is getting us nowhere. At all. It's the same thing. Again.


    That's what we all thought, but then inthesky showed up.

  4. actually no...

    i believe it's more deeper than that..

    for example...

    it might be so that she could brag and rant bout the game on the front while putting innocent and conceited mindset for show...

    which conceal the perverted and unsatisfiable addiction towards pornography...

    to make matter worst...

    its her desire to be rape and devour both physically and mentally by saddist..

    after all..

    all masochist are the same..acting tough in front of others...

    she's no more than a tentacle-anal-rape lover...

    and make it worst..she's a exhibist!!!!!


    I'm not sure where you're getting at, but i think i kind of understand what you mean.

    Those R-18 Otome games might be the result of the otome gamers having a rape fantasy or something (Heck, i know girls in real life who have a rape/forced sex fantasy...FUCIN HELL, MY GIRLFRIEND HAS ONE).

    And let's face it, it's natural for a woman to want a strong and dominant male no matter how you look at it, what would a pansy sissy do? make her a sandwich? and when she's in danger? he's gonna run away or stay and get his ass beaten up? Dominant males are hot shit when it comes to the female market.


    Lol, she might be just that, putting up an innocent moralfag's face while deep inside she's an extreme masochist, I swear that's a high possibility.


    I'm a guy and i have some masochist fantasies. if some old woman forced me to have sex with her i'd sumbit like there's no tomorrow.


    i think this girl need to check out vndb before getting her VNs~

    does she know vndb exists by the way? if she does, she could have find all the stuff she wanted to play without playing the ones she detests.


    and i was not bashing. I was in a way giving an advice in a harsh way.


    (1): yay for yuri!!! though i dont hate all male characters in general, i find the whole harem thing in some animes too unrealistic~

    (2): go vndb. search: female domination. solved~ or maybe she should try VNs with weak male protagonists + female domination.

    Yuri never fails to give female domination...since its female on female anyway, hehehe >w


    i dont really care though. this is her opinion and whatever she thinks wont affect me~ x


    She doesn't even need a VN database, there is always a Book that comes with the game disc to guide you, and there's always info on the official site.


    Well, as we all know, Female domination is just another niche genre within the porn industry, Not much demand on it, also, she's an otome gamer, not an eroge gamer, Femdom is almost non-existent in Otome games (Duh, the target is the female market, No pansies), aside from Otome games though, it is uncommon even in nukiges, although you might find some subtle femdom in many eroges (e.g a Teacher calls her student afterschool to classroom, closes the door, and forces a handjob on him lol, this one's common on many eroges).


    As for Yuri, Well it's not that it never fails to give female domination, it's just that one of the girls has to be the "guy", if you know what i mean.


    But Then again, authentic yuri femdom is always there. Not to mention Futanari, gotta love them Futas scaring the living crap out of them schoolgirls then turn them into nymphos, always good fap material.


    I know that her opinion is irrelevant and shit, but sometimes trolls take it too far, i couldn't just stand there and watch the idiocy and ignorance spread lol.


    P,S as for the harem thing, it depends really, the reason some Harem animes look unrealistic is because some protagonists are so fucking weak beyond fucking human belief and they get the hottest girls chasing after their nuts, While some of the best and most badass protagonists barely get some powerless farthead schoolgirl chasing him and making him bento lol.

    Although there are some good harems, For example Isekai no seikishin monogatari, the Protagonist may look like your usual average shota, but in reality he's the strongest character in the whole anime, when he gets serious, you're basically fucked.

    There's also Darker than black, i don't need to say anything about this one, Hei is so much win.


    And many more, it's just that most good harems start out with the protagonists being your typical highschooler, then he gets some hax power and some character growth, then the harem starts, that's what i call good harem, not some random pansy getting hotties just by existing, wtf? lol

  5. I'm not normally one for stoopets straight forwardness but he has you on that post dude, it's a Japanese eroge game, the fact she's played 150 games means that she should KNOW what to expect from these kinds of games, plus there are more then enough sites out there that give information about games, explain the storyline of the game or give spoilers about what the game contains, it simply seems that she's playing the game just to have something to complain about..



    Believe it or not, i'm not usually a person who gets pissed off easily, But this is silly beyond frigging human belief.

    granted i had those moments when i acted like a total jerk, but how much can one take? This is the first time i've seen such ignorance and this is the first i've been pissed to this extent...I don't know man, i think i'll need to go stick my head in the fridge to calm down, else i'll end up killing someone ._.

  6. @inthesky

    You just wasted yours and everyone's time here dude. She doesn't like it? Simple, Don't fucking play the game.


    The fact that those games sold, are selling, and WILL sell is still there and a random immature internet twat's ranting won't change that fact, She's a foreigner god dammit, unless she's part of the japanese otaku culture and supports the companies and follows them, she has no fucking right to criticize their shit whatsoever, so stop spitting nonsense because this is really pissing me off, i left this thread for a fucking week hoping the arguement will end and what i get is another troll, i'm sorry, don't take it as an offense, but you really ruined my day, or rather, my fucking month.


    "Maybe other girls in japan or anywhere else had these kind of fetishes, but that's irrelevant to the discussion."

    ...How old are you, 10?


    "She want' to dominate men in R-18 otome, not be dominated" Well that's a problem, Because that's physically impossible unless the male is extremely submissive or she has superpowers in which fucking case is not something you see often. That and the developers are trying to make it realistic and belieavable, on top of it being targeted for the FEMALE AUDIENCE AND ITS FUCKING JAPANESE, NOT FOR 10 YEAR OLD IMMATURE FOREIGN PRUDE GIRLS.

    On the other hand, There are a fuckton of eroges with women forcing boys and blackmailing them to have intercourse with them, But do you see anyone bitching about it and insulting other cultures for it? Is there any fucking article on the fucking internet complaining about anything related to Eroge's at all? (Even if there is, i fucking bet it's at least reasonable). Fucking sweet cow.



    "well from the way she wrote those things, i think she's one of the good girls you know. personally i don't want my wife to have a weird sexual fetishes do you, anal sex and shit, maybe some fucking cucumber once in while. like californication then? or 9 1/2 weeks? Shit that fucking scary."


    I can't believe you just said that, i just...wow.................................................Fucking wow.

    is Anyone else beside me thinking "Burn that troll"?



    "The excessive sex and everything is just like substitute for porn."





    "by the way, i defended them not beacuse everyone entitled to their opinion. not because they are feminist. i hate feminist, hate them so much."


    Well first of all, you didn't really "defend" them, you just made a fool out of yourself.

    second of all, No you're not a feminist, i can tell, you're just a troll, because even the most extreme man-hating feminist wouldn't go as far as to descriminate other cultures and people's preferences, especially not something targeted at THEM. plus i don't see how this has anything to do with feminism, it's just a bunch of ignorant preteen girls looking for attention.


    and FYI Lijakaca's Post was 100 times better than the other one, it's justified (Despite some utter bullshit) and does make a tad bit of sense.


    I'd really apperciate if you go get yourself educated before posting, again, don't take it as an offense, but right now my mood is pretty fucked up thanks to you.

  7. Do you see any PC version of it - Amagami ?


    Lol you sure you're quoting the right person?

    ultimecea was the one who said there's a PC version.


    @everyone who was talking about RuiTomo


    Ixrec was pretty impressed with RuiTomo's humour, and had stated that he would probably translate it one day just to 'prove he could', but after reading Coμ -Kuroi Ryuu to Yasashii Oukoku-, he stated that RuiTomo wasn't a translation candidate simply because Coμ was better than it in nearly all aspects.




    I understand that everyone has their own opinions, but it may be for the better if you didn't speak in such accusatory tones. Each to their own, and there's no need to insult other people's intelligence based on what they think.


    As for the lack of 'top-tier' games being translated, most of the times its due to the game's lengths and lack of dedication, a 50-100k line script takes a very long time to translate for most people, and on top of that, MangaGamer and JAST mostly picks nukige because they're easier to license. Since they're a legitimate business, in order to gain the licenses to translate games from the more famous and popular companies, they need to show that they can achieve good sales, and also pay for all other parts of the game, not just towards the company that made it, but towards the voice-acting people, singers for the OP/ED, etc.


    As for popular games, IIRC Irotoridori no Sekai and White Album 2 are pretty popular in Japan, and Yoakemae Yori Ruiiro Na might have been pretty popular when it was released.


    I hear ya bro.


    Well, quality is definitely better than quantity. Also, Both jast and mangagamer mostly license regular 10-30 Hour eroge, Mangagamer has barely 3 Nukiges if i remember, not sure abou Jast though, i've only seen their regular ones.


    Oh yes, i remember them making a fuss about White album 2 on a japanese blog.

  8. It's the Ps2 Version of Amagami that is being translated. Also, I disagree with Grisaia and Dracu-Riot being the only ones to check out. To each his own but lots of good shit is coming out this fall and winter. Amaterasu usually picks up pretty good VNs to translate. Rewrite should be a nice one to check out. Little Busters EX is also being translated. If Dracu-Riot seems pretty interesting, Fortune Arterial is sort of along the same lines. Majikoi and Aiyoku no Eustia, which probably will not be done for a while, are going to be good ones to check out as well. Plenty of others to at least give a chance.


    CRAP!! Why did they go for the Ps2? Damn it.

    Uhh yeah i know, but Those two are one of the very few ones on here that are popular in japan.

    Definitely checking rewrite.

    Fortune arterial is not really that good, but like you said, to each his own.

    And yes, Amaterasu translations do pick good VN's, thanks to them i got to play Muv luv.


    Lol apparently Majikoi is worth checking, it was the top selling eroge of 2009, and it's pretty long and entertaining with good H-scenes and story. played partial patch, gonna wait for full.

  9. Lol sorry but since when do the VN's that people translate HAVE to be a nukige?


    Plus everyone has different taste, some people may like more Rape in their game, Others may like mostly H Scene, I for one will play a VN that either looks good, has a good story line or something that a lot of other people will suggest playing.


    Lol sorry but when did i say they must translate only Nukiges?

    exactly, everyone has different tastes. but the fact that what you wrote is merely YOUR opinion is still there.


    i believe most people here vouch for great story lines compared to H scene...

    further more...

    amagami..i believe is the PC version...

    it'll be sad if i need to read Tsukasa,Sae and Haruka route on my PSP


    I'd apperciate if you speak for yourself, a great story line is a must, But just because an eroge has a good story doesn't mean the H-scenes should be thrown away or made crappy, after all, it's called "Ero-ge" Ero-gemu for a reason.

    And there is no Amagami for the PC...proves you know nothing.


    While nukige is very popular in Japan and keeps localization companies afloat (though that's more because they are cheap rather than because they sell well) many of us here don't care too much about them. Not to mention that translating sex scenes one after another can get dull and boring.


    Well, I heard Eroge was a legitimately good nukige. I'm a bit interested in its hilarious and absurd premise.


    Yup, Nukiges are very popular in japan and they do sell well, the fact they're also slightly cheapter than regular eroge's also plays a big part in the sales. Not to mention most H-animes are adapted from Nukiges.


    again, Speak for yourself, Not everyone here plays eroge's for the story and vice versa, though i do understand that there's a big culture difference between the west and japan, which is why japan is far ahead and is successful in the anime industry while us foreigners will probably never even attempt to create an eroge.


    Eroge! isn't really that great, the only thing going for it is the comedy and the "Eroge company" concept, the H-scenes were totally crap, nothing vanilla or worth fapping to there.



    great minds thinks the same....


    I really doubt the "great minds" part ;/

  10. Man, no offense but, why do they always pick the crappy and unpopular games to translate?

    Arudoc is pretty much the only one that translates good shit (Kamidori was in Top 5 selling games of 2011 and it had decent H-scenes).


    Mangagamer will have to stop their shit sooner or later, they rarely translate nukiges, and when they do pick up one, it turns out to be shitty.


    Only thing worth checking here is Grisaia no Kajitsu and probably Dracu-riot, at least i'm certain Grisaia was popular in japan and its sequel was among the top 5 of 2011 along with Kamidori.


    Oh and Baldr also, Not top sales, but still decent nonetheless.


    Anyone knows if The amagami being translated is the PSP one?

  11. Lol wtf are you on about enough with the bashing.. You're asking for more people to share their opinions but that's exactly what it leading directly to the bashing..


    Yeah i know, it's inevitable, i understand it's difficult to give an opinion without bashing the article writer. her immatureness is just calling for it.

    regardless though, Anything is welcome.


  12. no..

    its cruel to do so..

    i mean all-age great games like Clannad and Kanon will be a waste on her..

    in fact..

    we should re-educate her back to The Sims...

    that should teach her right from wrong~




    i'm mentally immature.if i need to redefine myself..

    although i believe everyone in the world are so...

    well...she does have a husband...

    in her own dreams~that is


    Lol you actually made my day with the sims thing and the last line, and i thank you for that, i had good laughs ;P


    Well i wouldn't call you mentally immature. a mentally immature person is basically a naive person, but more than naive, ignorant and incosiderate, i guess that fits her criteria.



    she should juz play the all-ages otomes in my opinion, go back to those happy lovey-dovey VNs which only has happy endings.


    Heroine Getting raped (hello? its R-18. Go back to your tv dramas or all-ages stuff if you dont like it or your lovey-dovey shoujo mangas with a predictable ending xD )

    Heroine getting abused & humiliated (isnt this like present in quite a lot of dramas? .__. )

    I mean... i feel the abuse and humilation adds to the realism, it cannot be just a happy nice road to love~


    Exactly, which is why, as you said, she needs to go back to reading shoujo manga or something.

    even all ages otome games are probably too much for her, but what can you do, some people are just unbelieavable.

  13. i dont believe its due to immaturity/...

    after all..

    i'm not mature myself although i'm way past the age of adulthood~

    its more to insensible mindset~


    Yeah that too, but immature doesn't necessarily mean she's physically not matured, it also means that she's mentally immature.

    She also claims that she has a husband, which i really, really doubt.

  14. Well random rape and abuse isn't what I would call common in everyone's daily life that they would WANT (rape/dub-com fantasies aside, I've had my share of those when I was younger... the former when I was DUMBER), but I see some of the other things that statement goes toward. Especially things like "clothing sex".


    I LOVE MGQ. I adore the idea of Monster Girls and since nothing really bugs me it fit into all of my kinks/fetishes nicely, but I understand when people say it isn't for them, given how much it deviates.


    I was less talking to them and more watching them SCREAM AT HOW STUPID AND DISGUSTING I AM MY OPINION SUCKS GO DIE while being confused and amused. I am certain they are fans of the article writer's blog, but I am not sure if they were 7 fans or just one very angry one. I didn't even bother replying, it wasn't worth feeding them.



    Yeah i get what you mean, like i said, everyone's different.


    Well, MGQ is "unique", if that's the appropriate word to describe it, I myself find it hot and kinky when a mature/older woman has sex with a young boy but with the whole Monster girl crazy rape thingie, i just found myself more confused lol. but don't get me wrong, it's quite the unique eroge. and the RPG system was totally worth giving it a shot.


    So how did it start? they just saw this article and went trollrage mode? I guess the truth is just too harsh for some people.

  15. Really? Well, there must be some obscure ones out there that she doesn't know of that are more vanilla. I hope she finds them.


    True... Maybe a better example would have been that I like, say... footjobs. I think they're hot, and it is one of the more common kinks I know of. But a lot of people I know think they're gross. I think the same basic thing, it's just not their taste.


    Sadly, you are right, that IS common stuff in 18+ games from Japan. It's a different culture so we're bound to have some nasty culture shock we don't like when we get into something new, especially when sex is involved. Especially if you're really not into anything aside from vanilla sex. I'm actually quite amazed at how squicked out other women are when I tell them what is in the games I play because not much bothers me at all anymore.


    ... then again, I like Monster Girl Quest... I am glad I have never shared that information with another woman.


    Oh trust me, i've seen all the otome games she played, and i doubt there is anything else she didn't play lol


    Yeah, Footjobs is one of the niche fetishes, meaning while alot of people might find it unappealing or gross, the fact that people who enjoy it exist is still there.


    Yeah, but if you think about it, it's not just common in 18+ games or 18+ material in general, most of it is common in our daily life aswell. but what can you do, there are all kinds of people in this world.


    Holy-! i almost died when you said monster girl quest lol, seriously, you deserve a medal for enduring that game, i actually stopped playing it early on, it was something i've never seen before. regardless though, i think it's good to have something new for people who're into that stuff.


    Btw just wondering, when you said you were talking to those fans, you mean that article writer's fans seen this post and were trying to argue with you?

  16. Acually, I have to agree with Red Panda. Let's see if someone can make a list and send it to her. I don't think she is underage, that is too much to automatically assume. Maybe she just doesn't like it? I don't like scat. That doesn't make me not liking games with it in it a prude or underage. That just means I don't like scat. She's just pickier than most.


    I DO understand how that could offend though, quite easily in fact. But I am not the type to jump to harsh conclusions. I do agree, that post was written poorly. But now that we can see what she most likely meant it doesn't seem like she meant harm by it.

    (Nah, they stopped after 7 anons. Go ahead and forgo everything else in it now that they're bored)


    Believe it or not, she played pretty much every otome game in existence. i can assure you that.


    P,S lol scat is a very niche thing, i myself find it horrible, i mean it's SCAT we're talking about, so it's natural and completely understandable if someone was against it, although i don't bash it or pointlessly make a ranting article about it.

    on the other hand that article writer was complaining about common stuff...stuff you see everywhere and appeals to a wide target demographic ;/

  17. ^Just as I edit that post to clarify too! XD

    Edited bit up there: (I sent you a PM thinking it was her but it is quite clear that it was one of her FANS instead taking the ordeal too far.)

    Hence -Link Redacted-

    I didn't want to make her look worse than she is, she is actually very nice.

    End edited bit.


    I think she was getting at "this is what I PERSONALLY want, not what I think should happen", as she elaborated to me a bit more. She really isn't that bad, just zealous. Nothing wrong with that, and while I highly disagree with her I respect her opinions. She isn't saying they shouldn't exist, she just wants OTHER KINDS that she can't find to exist as well, as she stated to me.


    I don't think she is prudish, just really annoyed and kinda picky (again, nothing wrong with that), but I see where you might get that meaning from the quote then.


    I wish I had the conversation we had saved, Tumblr doesn't save asks when you answer them privately, and I know my word on its own is rather weak. I think most of this is just a large amount of misinterpretation of a poorly worded blog post.


    I know where you're coming from and i completely understand you, but that blog post and the comments on it offended me and many fans, not just me, but even non-anime fans will think it's completely hilarious and pointless.

    If she was just voicing her opinion and saying what SHE wants she could have at least put some effort in it so not to make others misunderstand her, i was really pissed when i read that post, it's just awfully written.


    P,S i read that PM, so is there something i can do?


    It seems like most of her complaints could be addressed if she was just recommended the right otome. Surely there are some that are vanilla. I wouldn't know which though, seeing as I've never played one before.


    I don't know, it seemed to me like a 15 year old moral idiot who has first seen adult material.

    Actually, Most of them are Vanilla, but there are routes with darker themes such as rape and cheating and stuff. But think about it, Those otome games are what the japanese female audience want, so the developers make them according to the fans preferences, as harsh as it may sound, we really don't have any hand in it and our opinions don't matter to them (Not that we mind the way their doing stuff, heck i think japan is awesome).

    But that kid was playing all-ages otome games, then suddenly jump to R-18 and complain about its content just sounds extremely dumb to me.

  18. No no no, originally I had a link there and was replying to the original poster off forum, since she had read this and I couldn't get hold of her elsewhere, (of course someone who knows my Tumblr then sent me hate asks, but it wasn't her, she was very nice about the ordeal when I DID get hold of her) that was not aimed at you or anyone else in this thread.



    This is the sexist comment I was referring to. 8| No matter how you look at it, that's... that is sexist.


    Oh my bad.

    And yes, i think that is very sexist, but when you think about it, that article writer is giving women a bad name, she's basically saying R-18 otome games shouldn't exist and girls shouldn't play them, that's also very offending, don't you think?


    But What Caelistas meant is that she doesn't deserve to use the computer since she's old fashioned and prude, if you know what i mean.

  19. -Link Redacted_


    -I- am a girl. And I know what -I- would like in an 18+ otome game.

    We're not all guys here.


    You can have your opinion honey, that is fine. But not all girls agree with you. Don't assume we will, please?

    For the record, since you brought the game up, I love Hakuoki.


    Though, reading over this topic, I don't think some of these comments are called for. Especially the sexist ones. But I am outnumbered here, I won't fight what I am going to be buried in.


    No one said anything about you being a girl or a guy or that girls shouldn't comment.


    Yes i have my opinion, it just so happens that the majority has the same opinion as mine.

    I'm not saying you should agree with me, this is an open discussion, and most of what i'm saying are just facts that any long term otaku knows.


    Hakuoki is an all-age otome game, not an R-18.


    But like i said, We're foreigners here, We have no hand in whatever Japan produces or whatever they prefer, and they don't care about We foreign fans prefer. i'm basing my views on the japanese otaku culture and industry (Although there isn't a that big of a difference).


    Could you please point out the sexist comments? i don't remember see'ing anything sexist on here since that's a whole other subject. And we're not fighting here, we're discussing.




    was it me or its getting out of hand here???


    if anyone is offended the scene then you shouldn't have involved with this kind of game in the first place..

    not all guys would play the game just for the scene...

    most of the guys her are infatuated with heroine's route and their character than their special scene although we can call it a bonus~

    and yuri are not just targeted for the guys....

    nor yaoi are aimed for the girls...

    it just depends on the consumer whether they wanted a romance/fantasy with bishonens or a dreamlike adventure with bishoujos~

    and bout the anal sex....

    its not something uncommon now days..

    even if you date it back a thousand years ago..

    i mean..

    if you ever poop...you'll get what i mean~


    No it's not just you, I also think we're going off-topic.

    You see there are types of Visual novels out there, There is the All-age one where you date the heroines with no H-scenes, which are the least common.

    There's also The regular ones, You know, with the Story and H-scenes. Which are fairly common.

    And there is also the H-scene focused ones, what we call a "nukige", Where it's mostly sex-oriented. which are the most common ones.


    And i'd like to point out something else, Yaoi is targeted at the female audience, specifically fujoshi's, that's the main target, although there are rare expections where a guy watches it. But then there is Bara, Gay manga for men, but it's almost extinct.

    As for Yuri, It's target is also female (See wikipedia) it was originally intended for females (It still is) But it proved popular among males aswell. So yeah.


    Well like most users here said, Anal sex is not uncommon, infact it's very standar and couples practice it regularly, so there's no need for prudeness.


    Anyway guys, we're going off-topic here, Please stay on topic and let the discussion continue

  20. I said she should look into the routes before playing, you pretty much just agreed with me...

    But say you like a character (either gender, either game type), REALLY like them, but find out their route has something you can't stomach or get past. That... kinda sucks.


    Overall there isn't really a limited number of otome games (except in English), but I don't know how common 18+ ones are so you could be right in that respect.


    And you haven't talked to the yaoi fangirls I know, they usually just... SKIP over the relationship and drama half the time. They can be as bad as male yuri fans, while the later will (and I have known guys who do this) avoid mindess yuri in turn, that isn't gender specific. I like mindless porn as much as the next person but both genders do this and it annoys me when certain people ALWAYS do this. (this is why so much yaoi fanfiction without any logic or plot exists)


    Yup that's what i said too ;p


    Yeah i get what you mean, But on other hand, if a female has a rape fantasy and really likes a specific characters and he actually rapes her, wouldn't that be a win situation for that specific group? People could always try another game.


    There is 2 in english, that's almost non-existant, but if you compare the number of Otome games to other forms of Visual novels then yes, they are very limited, i'd give you the link of the Data base if you want.


    Also like Haika said, It's a psychological gender thing, gay males aren't as accepted as gay females, it's unfortunate, but it's the truth.


    Dude, there's a big difference when it comes down to the female market of the different countries, Yaoi was invented by Japan, not by us foreigners, If you know some yaoi fangirl who skips the story and drama and goes for the graphic scenes then she's...uhh..."unique" i guess? Because as far as i'm concerned and as far as my knowledge goes, 80%-90% of the yaoi of any format is more Romance/Drama oriented, you might find few of them with implied sex scenes or heavily censored, but they're always brief.

    Then there's the PWP (Porn without Plot) ones, As i mentioned before, the only ones of this genre are Sensitive pornograph and Enzai, which both are more than 5 years old, they did horribly in sales (Because most Yaoi fangirls don't prefer graphic stuff) and they probably decided not to produce something similar to this again.


    On the other hand, about Yuri, as Haika mentioned before, it's a gender psychological thing, You see Yuri sex scenes in alot of Straight eroge games (In addition to Yuri-only games), but do you see any Yaoi in Otome games or Smutty shoujo mangas? Nope. it's a bit complicated and hard to explain.




    I have, though that game was far more about issues like drugs than sexual activities. Though I must admit a certain h-scene image on the vndb is what pushed me to try the game. Anal sex aside, I still love her theme and some of the random awesomeness in that storyline.


    Course my playthrough of the other routes in that game got cut off by a hospital emergency(hard to play a VN when you're in pain and have nurses checking on you randomly every hour). I probably should get back to it and try and finish it sometime soon.


    But that's enough Derailing for me. As to the Yuri and Yaoi discussion: I don't think the intent of the writer was to use BL or Yaoi as the genre of media that is aimed at females with little to no sexual imagery, I think she just meant it as a general homosexuality comment. I think it again relates to the culture around sexuality in general and how we accept certain things. For whatever reasons, Yuri as a preference is accepted by both men and women more than Yaoi is. Even if the whole BL, Gay, Homosexuality, or whatever you call it is given a higher stigmata than lesbian acts. I've known straight women who admit to being turned on by lesbian videos and the like, but can you imagine straight guys saying the same about yaoi? There's a psychological gender thing going on here that produces more homophobia when talking about male acts than about female acts.


    Heck, even earlier in this thread, I felt the need to declare myself straight before saying I enjoy some anal sex scenes. That just shows how much the culture I live in still effects me, as much as I may dislike it.



    I completely agree with you, you pretty much said everything that needs to be said, thank you.

  21. Dunno about this. I mean most men like lesbians, why shouldn't women like gays as well? And you've a lot of yuri visual novels with a lot of h pictures, should be the same for yaoi stuff. With this said, I didn't play any yaoi visual novels up to now but I'm planning to play at least one.


    No what i'm trying to say, they're considering women's preferences, Men and women have different tastes, most women prefer something romantic with a bit of melodrama, while men prefer something entertaining with steamy scenes.

    The thing about men liking lesbians or women liking gays is just some random BS you see on the internet, granted, as a man, i do like see'ing two hot women at it, but everyone has their preferences and each gender has its unique tastes.

    But this is Yaoi we're talking about, It's made specifically to appeal to the female audience, have you watched any yaoi anime yet? They have no sexual content whatsoever, even the OVA's, everything is implied and barely shown (With the exception of two old ones, Sensitive pornograph and Enzai which had very graphic scenes and horrible sales. nothing similar was produced since then), so there's a difference.


    P,S basically what i'm saying is, Porn-like yaoi does exist, but not really apperciated by fans, very few people enjoy such stuff, which is also one of the reasons you don't see it often.

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