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Posts posted by Stoopet

  1. The only thing I actually agree with her on is this part




    That pisses me off to beyond a limit.


    But the rest of her posts seem pretty pointless, Rape is a part of every day life, People just choose to ignore it like it isn't there just because it isn't happening to them, Also she goes to the point to complain that she doesn't like the girl getting off on anything but a guys dick.. Seriously when playing a Japanese R-18 game this stuff is pretty much going to happen 9 times out of ten, Wtf does she expect.


    It's silly sometimes but you can think of it as a porno thing, you know, with the girls being embarassed and all she says no but the fact that it's mutual is still there.



    The only things I really (sort of) agree with are:


    1) Rape subtext when it isn't rape. I know it is a cultural thing, but that sounds kinda... creepy to me. It comes with the territory though, what does she expect? Not going into rape fantasies, that's just fine to me, and rape is common in nearly every 18+ game from Japan so I have learned to cope. Heck, this doesn't even bother me at this point, I am used to it.


    2) The girl being louder than the guys. I am playing a game and fucking guys as a girl, I wanna hear the guys NOT "ME"! This sounds like her only logical and real complaint, I mean, eroge for guys has female voices and no male usually for sex scenes, why it is not reversed for otome games? I don't expect them to be loud and screaming, but I don't want to not hear them and to hear my character screaming in my ear. It kinda... breaks the mood.


    The rest seems kinda nitpicky, especially the sexual deviation stuff. Yes, you may like like it, but it's an 18+ game with multiple options. What else do you expect honey? Skip the scenes if they bother you that much, do research before getting into the routes, check for this stuff.


    I hear ya man. But:


    1) every R-18 visual novel has at least one rape scene or one rape route, and most of the time You get to choose wheter to pick it or not. There's also the walkthroughs and character profiles that are put up on the official site of the game, not to mention the manual that comes with the game when you buy it.

    2)Well if you think about it, men don't often moan in sex, well as far as i'm concerned at least, but look at it this way, Female seiyuu are used to voice act in R-18 visual novels so they're used to such stuff, and the fact that there's a limited numbers of Otome games means that the male seiyuu is apparently unexperienced.


    It's possible she's underage, but the feeling I get from the article is more of a clueless wife who married her first crush and doesn't experiment or explore porn on the net much.


    The Yaoi thing seems to be what any opponent of Anal sex brings up with no support for the argument. I'm comfortable enough as a straight male to say that anal sex between a man and a woman can be extremely hot to me. It just seems like the writer is again talking about something she doesn't understand.


    Of course, only men could possibly enjoy something like Anal, therefore it's gotta be yaoi. Since you know, women don't get pleasure from rape, bondage, humiliation, or anything like that, they just have poopers. /sarcasm. -.-


    It might be that, but i doubt she even has a husband, you don't need the internet or porn for such common knowledge if you ask me.


    Anal sex IS hot ,And like i said before, Anal sex is a standar feature in Eroges and pretty much any R-18 material due to its popularity and high demand, even without that, it's something couples practice daily in their sexual life, it's just that some people can't be honest about it, but at least they DO NOT bash it like the artice writer did, and the fact that she mentioned yaoi is just hilarious, i'll explain to you why.


    -BL (Yaoi) is a genre that focuses mostly on MalexMale romance, and most of it doesn't contain graphic scenes due to the fact that its mainly targeted at the female audience.

    -The fact that Yaoi with sex scenes is limited in numbers just makes her post extremely hilarious and dumb on many levels.

    -If we want to get real here, I've seen alot of statistics about percentages of anal sex, and apparently, most of them show that anal sex is practiced ten times or more among Heteros than homosexual men, Lesbians also practice it, so the more i think about it the more i realize that article writer is the most ignorant human planet earth has ever known, and trust me, You don't even need statistics for this, it's all common sense and knowledge. let's also not forget that many gay men prefer oral and prefer not to engage in anal activities, that, coupled with the fact homosexuality in general (Including homosexual women)makes up like 2-5% of the world's population proves that the article writer needs to do her homework or occupy the kitchen or do something fitting for her old fashioned, ignorant ways.

  2. ok then... any writer who calls anal sex 'sticking it in the pooper' doesn't deserve to be taken seriously in my book, but I took a look over what was written anyway.


    I think the biggest issue here is that she isn't thinking about the culture from where these games come from. Like the opening poster here mentions, there are target audiences for these types of fetishes and scenes in any game. Japan especially seems to have a strong sense of rape and bondage in their porn. And the idea of women being thought of as not wanting sex or they are a slut is pretty much the definition of what the word slut means. It's just that in some cultures that word gets more or less negative connotation than in others. Slut, Whore, Bitch, all have different levels of meaning, and can just be a general sense of 'dirty talk'. Like swear words, they are only really as bad as the culture and perception of the people experiencing them.


    This is a prime example of why I don't read news articles or watch any news reports on tv. The topics and issues brought up usually are swayed by the reporter who is uninformed to the point of blatant stupidity(if not totally making the story up).


    Same here, and to top it off, she said it reminds her of BL (Boys love, meaning yaoi), now last time i checked, there was no rule saying that Anal sex started in yaoi or it only works in yaoi. (It's funny if you think about it, there's only a small handful of hardcore yaoi with graphic scenes compared to all ages or R-15 yaoi, while Anal sex is a standar feature in most eroge's. same goes for real life).


    Exactly, but the even bigger issue is that she obviously isn't of the target audience, it says You need to be at least 18 to play R-18 games, and she's obviously underage or something. Japanese developers make stuff that appeals to the majority, they're trying to make profit while pleasing their fans.

    and about the "dirty talk", well like i said, she's underage, she can't comprehend mature stuff.



    I think.... she needs to get off the damn computer and back into the kitchen.





    Seriously, i know about Otome games but i didn't know girls atually played those, thought people with a certain fetish played them.


    They actually play them. Well the japanese at least. and not to sound harsh or something, but she, as a foreigner, has no right to criticize other cultures and their preferences. Funny thing is, most of my female friends read japanese and play R-18 otome games and not once have they complained.


    Yeah.. The author is a bit of a wank.


    The comments are all abit amusing in the place where it was written.


    Yeah, the comments are stunningly immature.

  3. I posted this on the other general discussion and i wasn't sure if that's the right section so i decided to post one here.


    So i was browsing this blog made by an otome gamer, and came across this post where she rants and complains about the content in R-18 Otome games.


    First, for those who don't know what an Otome game.

    It's basically a Visual novel targeted at the female audience, where you date different guys and go through different routes and endings.


    Read the post before going any further:

    tl;dr: R-18 otome games for women «


    I actually found that post hilarious and immature, it seems she's underage or something, People need to be 18+ to play R-18 games.


    So here's what she complains about and here's my opinions.


    Heroine Getting raped

    First of all, i think rape is a common theme in any R-18 material, But since this is an Otome game, where you have lots of choices and lots of routes, blame no one but yourself for picking the wrong one. not to mention there is a fairly big audience for this who have rape fantasies.


    Heroine getting abused & humiliated

    Again, the game has different routes and options. and again, there's obviously an audience who likes this kind of stuff.


    Heroine getting sexed up by things other than the guy’s ding dong

    Someone apparently never heard of foreplay or oral.


    Heroine getting drugged & turning into a sex doll

    I said it before and i'm gonna say it again, the game gives you alot of routes and options, you picked this one, deal with it. there's the target audience for this.


    Heroine’s voice being louder & prouder than the guy whose route I’m on

    Excuse me, but do you want the guy to scream or cry while he's sexing you?


    Sticking it in the pooper

    Now this one is really silly, i actually sat there and laughed for hours at her prudeness. Anal sex is something you see everywhere and i don't see the problem with it, if you don't like it you could just skip it or something.


    Heroine constantly saying no no stop even when it’s clear both parties are mutually accepting of screwing each other

    That's just a porno thing (It exists in real life too), you're playing a porno game, and i don't see how this is a problem at all.


    Heroine being treated like a whore if god forbid she actually enjoy sex

    I have mixed feelings about this one.

    guys and male characters are always called perverts and stuff when they barely fantasize, so i guess it's some kind of equality thing going on here? i dunno.


    The amount of happy endings being overshadowed by the amount of bad endings

    You either barely played any otome games, or you forgot the fact that you are playing an otome game, since they're usually filled with drama.


    Eroscene where all the clothes are on

    Lol...I'm not even gonna talk on this one.


    Well there you have it guys, don't get me wrong, she is spot on some points, but the fact that she's complaining about something that is obviously not targeted at her is just plain annoying, it's a R-18 game, you should expect stuff beforehand.


    Anyways, girls (or guys), what do you think? Write your opinion below.

    Do you think she's right or wrong? what do you think she's right about and what do you think she's wrong about? Let the discussion begin!

  4. So i was browsing this blog made by an otome gamer, and came across this post where she rants and complains about the content in R-18 Otome games.


    First, for those who don't know what an Otome game.

    It's basically a Visual novel targeted at the female audience, where you date different guys and go through different routes and endings.


    Read the post before going any further:

    tl;dr: R-18 otome games for women «


    I actually found that post hilarious and immature, it seems she's underage or something, People need to be 18+ to play R-18 games.


    So here's what she complains about and here's my opinions.


    Heroine Getting raped

    First of all, i think rape is a common theme in any R-18 material, But since this is an Otome game, where you have lots of choices and lots of routes, blame no one but yourself for picking the wrong one. not to mention there is a fairly big audience for this who have rape fantasies.


    Heroine getting abused & humiliated

    Again, the game has different routes and options. and again, there's obviously an audience who likes this kind of stuff.


    Heroine getting sexed up by things other than the guy’s ding dong

    Someone apparently never heard of foreplay or oral.


    Heroine getting drugged & turning into a sex doll

    I said it before and i'm gonna say it again, the game gives you alot of routes and options, you picked this one, deal with it. there's the target audience for this.


    Heroine’s voice being louder & prouder than the guy whose route I’m on

    Excuse me, but do you want the guy to scream or cry while he's sexing you?


    Sticking it in the pooper

    Now this one is really silly, i actually sat there and laughed for hours at her prudeness. Anal sex is something you see everywhere and i don't see the problem with it, if you don't like it you could just skip it or something.


    Heroine constantly saying no no stop even when it’s clear both parties are mutually accepting of screwing each other

    That's just a porno thing (It exists in real life too), you're playing a porno game, and i don't see how this is a problem at all.


    Heroine being treated like a whore if god forbid she actually enjoy sex

    I have mixed feelings about this one.

    guys and male characters are always called perverts and stuff when they barely fantasize, so i guess it's some kind of equality thing going on here? i dunno.


    The amount of happy endings being overshadowed by the amount of bad endings

    You either barely played any otome games, or you forgot the fact that you are playing an otome game, since they're usually filled with drama.


    Eroscene where all the clothes are on

    Lol...I'm not even gonna talk on this one.


    Well there you have it guys, don't get me wrong, she is spot on some points, but the fact that she's complaining about something that is obviously not targeted at her is just plain annoying, it's a R-18 game, you should expect stuff beforehand.


    Anyways, girls (or guys), what do you think? Write your opinion below.

    Do you think she's right or wrong? what do you think she's right about and what do you think she's wrong about? Let the discussion begin!

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