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Posts posted by Blade

  1. Amantes is all age but has additional story content, Fabula has the 18+ content but lacks the additional story content. The specifics are

    A new route of Setsuna vs Kogane vs Suigin no Mitsudomoe (branch from Rea route)

    Marie END After 「Omnia vincit Amor」

    Rea END After 「Nihil difficile amanti」

    New 3 BGM, New OP and new ED.

  2. RPG Maker Decrypter extracts the files so you can mess with the game files now, to translate you need to translate the Japanese script into English script and recompile the game so the text changes into English. A way to translate the text is you can have all the text extracted into a text file and send it away for translation, then create a second version of the project with the translated text - very time consuming, and if you have to fix a game bug, you have as many versions to fix it in as the number of translations. You could automate the process by having a script that will read the translated text back in and replace the original text with the translated text - this also gives you multiple versions which you have to keep up to date. Or you could use a script specifically for localization, which will allow you to have a single version of the game, with one or more files containing all the text in different languages, and as the game is running, the script will pull the text in from the appropriate file

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